Ridgecrest Baptist Church has been my second home for as long as I can remember and I was there every time the doors were open. Just like most people I have had my ups and downs with a church which is why truth be told you would have never heard the words "I love my church" come out of my mouth a couple of months ago.
About two years ago I went through a really rough patch where I honestly didn't think I would make it out. Satan constantly fed me lies making me feel neglected, unwanted, disposable and ultimately discouraged. My church family allowed me to voice my frustrations and constantly uplifted me with prayer. After I made it through my struggle I felt like I was on top of the world but then came another deep low that I was not prepared for.
My church is family and families fight and that is the reality. In my weakest moments, I believed that my church was not on my side and I turned away allowing Satan to win. I felt more alone than I had in a really long time and it caused me to lose sight of my relationship with God.
After realizing that I was searching for something that I could only find in God I returned to my church. I was ready for a cold shoulder which I deserved but was pleasantly surprised when I was welcomed with open arms.
I love my church because no matter where I go or what I do I can come back, no questions asked.
My church family has been there to help me celebrate my successes and comfort me in my sorrows, they tell me what I need to hear even when it is not what I want to hear, and they don't judge when I mess up because they understand I'm human. I couldn't imagine what my life would be like if I didn't have the people of RBC in my life.
We all go through trials but thankfully I don't have to go through them alone because I know my church will be there with me every step of the way. I'm extremely grateful for this village who raised me and the God that saves me. So I will scream it from the mountain tops so everyone can hear that I LOVE MY CHURCH!