I live right above my favorite brunch spot, and it only took me three months to figure that out. | The Odyssey Online
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I live right above my favorite brunch spot, and it only took me three months to figure that out.

I live right above my favorite brunch spot, and it only took me three months to figure that out.

Caviar and Bananas is a familiar name to anyone in downtown Charleston, and it's especially dear to the CofC faculty and students who frequent it everyday for everything from coffee and pastries, a quick breakfast or even lunch and dinner. What I never realized until this weekend though, was just how good the Caviar and Bananas brunch menu was. Again, just like with the farmers market last week, I realized just how much I've been missing. 

I moved into the residence hall that occupies the same building as Caviar and Bananas back in August, and even though I have been a fan of the place since I started at CofC in 2012, I had not tried their brunch until this past weekend. I mean, I had to do something to help recover from formal the night before, and you really can't beat being able to walk downstairs and get breakfast. 

I can honestly say that it was one of the better meals I've had for a Sunday brunch in a while. I got the diner plate, with two eggs (cooked any way you like, but I went for scrambled), choice of applewood or jalepeno bacon, a biscuit and one other side. Of course for the other side I went with the smoked jalapeno grits. Wash it down with a bottle of Natalie's orange juice and a cup of coffee, and it was the kind of breakfast that reminds me of mornings at my grandparents house before spending the next six hours on the beach. I've always loved the food at Caviar, evidenced by the fact that my meal plan for the semester typically consists of gift cards from my family, but this was the first time that a breakfast here in Charleston truly reminded me of home. 

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