The range of students who need to work in college is broad. Some depend on it for their educations, some for gas money, club fees, or just to have some change in their pockets. I respect all of the above, I am in the above, and I respect those who do not work too. If you are in a hard major and do not have time for a job, I get it. If you saved a lot in high school, if your parents help you out, I understand. What I do not understand, however, is those who do not understand my need to work.
I cannot say that I am living paycheck to paycheck and missing rent, but my financial level is far from comfortable. I am a part-time worker, but I am also part-time teaching candidate (so, student teacher) and full time student, I also have two different leadership positions, and occasionally I'd like to get some sleep. Basically what that means is when I say I am a part-time worker, I mean really only a part of the time, and that time I can get hours is very limited, which means so are my paychecks.
Sometimes, when I have no other options, someone picks up my shift and covers me if I just really cannot be on shift, but I like to keep those times to a minimum. So, I am understanding if someone cannot do something because they have to go to work. I get it, you want to stay on your boss's good side and you want to actually get money.
Some people need to learn to be more understanding about that.
I cannot fathom how people do not get that when I have a job, I have to occasionally (sarcasm) go. I am expected to be there, I have a set schedule, and I need the money.
If you are reading this and you don't currently have or need a job, take this into consideration the next time your friend says they cannot come because they have to work. Maybe that job is the only thing that will help them afford to go the next time you ask.