This is a response to Taylor Swift is the Music Industry.
There is no doubt that Taylor Swift possesses a level of talent and success not typically seen throughout the music industry. However, despite the numerous accolades won and fan bases created, she isn't the sole epitome of the music industry.
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To keep it simple, Taylor Swift is overrated and overhyped. There was a great amount of nuance and emotion seen throughout her older works, for example, in her albums Speak Now or Red. However, in the last decade, there's a limited musical depth and repetition regarding her songwriting, which challenges Taylor's position as one of the greatest individuals the music industry has ever seen.
There is a sense of lethargy regarding Swift's music as her music has a feeling of predictability due to its redundant lyrical and musical structure. The songs are all founded on themes covering love, heartbreak, and personal experiences. While some can argue that's what makes Taylor special, that relatability and simplicity connecting with many ordinary people lead to monotony. That persistent repetition of themes and musical styles and the lack to divulge into deeper themes paints Swift's discography as one that requires artistic growth and nuance.Her limited vocal range and musical depth cause Swift to fall short when compared to other prominent artists in the industry. While her voice may be rich in talent and beauty, it lacks a feeling of depth and contrasts throughout her music. Created, is a monotone and apathetic experience when listening to her work.
The lack of meaningful and complex instrumentation found in other genres, such as rap, R&B, and EDM, limits her pieces of music appeal to a wider audience seeking more diverse musical experiences.Taylor Swift holds a monumental standing in the music industry, however, she lacks a nuanced talent and craft that justifies her standing as the face of the music industry. Her lack of branching out, and experimentation produces this constant bombardment which leads to a sense of saturation among audiences, resulting in an eventual decline in interest and enthusiasm.
While it is important to pay ode to her achievements and the impact she has made on the ordinary individual, it is important to shine the light on many other artists who possess the creative depth of flavor needed to make music as impactful as it is.
Music is subjective, and what may appear as overhype to me may be genuine admiration and talent for others. The impact of an artist and their worth is in measure of the impact they make on their listeners and the lasting memories they leave with them.