Did you know that some of the most successful people in the world read for 30 minutes every day? I came across this fact in a time of my life when my mind was desperately needing a break from the video games. I wanted something to engage my mind, and I found solace in the words that make up a story. Now don't get me wrong, I love my video games but when you've crushed your opponent for the 1000th time in NBA 2k19 or defeated Doctor Octavius in Spiderman, you need a break to really make your mind think.
Over the winter break, I began to read some of the old classics that never failed to disappoint me. I reread all seven books of "Harry Potter," "The Percy Jackson," "Heroes of Olympus" franchise and the "Hunger Games" trilogy. This was really an interesting blast from the past as I had forgotten so many important plot details and rereading it as an older person made me see the different stories in different lights. It was like I was reading the book for the first time and felt as though I was rereading part of my childhood.
That was what made it special.
In an interview with Time magazine, Bill Gates recommended to everyone that they pick up a book and read it. No matter the book it would be beneficial to them down the road as it provides them with an engaging activity. Some people may think that reading is not for the current digital age and is of the past but there are so many other benefits. One of the biggest ones is that people who consistently read for their whole life were less likely to develop mental disorders or diseases, such as Alzheimer's.
For high school kids like myself, reading may seem like a waste of time and something that is counterproductive, especially with the other books we have to read for the school itself. But don't look at those books with such animosity that they become evil; look at them with the chance they have good morals or stories in there.
For example, I have to read the "Great Gatsby" for school, but I've enjoyed this book more than I could ever have realized. It holds such a good story and morals even though it was written a little under a 100 years ago. This only makes it a timeless classic. And books hold a secret power. They are immense stress relievers. Sometimes, I need a break from life and a book is always there to provide me with a story to dive into. This helps me forget about some of the bigger issues that might be going on and relax my mind for a time that I need to take back for myself.
Books will have to continue into the modern age because they do more than just provide just stories. The digital age will only help their fame and help them grow whether it is in the form of e-books or other possibilities. So once in a while, pick up a book and dive into it.