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Don't Like Beer? A Discovery of Unique Beer Flavors

Try Something New, this international beer day If You Are Of Age

Animated image of Beer bottles, beer barrels and glasses full of beer
Ah, beer. It is probably the first alcohol you tried when you were definitely not old enough to and most likely the influencer behind all those poor decisions you made at swaps (I’m looking at you, Natty Light.) In college, beer is seen more as a vehicle to get drunk as opposed to a craft to be enjoyed.

Actually enjoying drinking beer took me a while, and I still pretty much stick to Blue Moon or Bud Light. I have plenty of friends who love beer and trying new types, and plenty who gag at the thought of it. Thankfully, for those who prefer to keep the hoppy-beer-flavor as far away from their mouth as they can, there are plenty of alternative “beers” to indulge.

  • Leinenkugel’s Summer Shandy lemonade shandy beer
  • Angry Orchard Hard Apple Cider Apple Beer
  • Redd’s Apple Ale
  • Wild Blue

I took on the extremely difficult task of trying some of these said beers and have chosen the best that even the pickiest beer-hater will enjoy.

​Leinenkugel’s Summer Shandy

Animated image of Lemons and a lemon beer in a beer glass

lemonade shandy beer


This delicious beer is only available March through August and is refreshing with a natural lemonade flavor. Summer Shandy is a perfect beer for a hot July day on the lake. Be warrned, if you really, really hate the taste of beer. Leinenkugel’s still has a slight, dry, wheat taste mixed in. At 4.2% ABV, it is about average on the alcohol content in most beers.

Angry Orchard Hard Apple Cider

Beer bottle with Apples

Apple Beer


Technically, this is not a beer, but it comes in a six-pack and is shaped like a beer bottle, so close enough. Angry Orchard is great year round, but especially now that it is fall. Angry Orchard has a crisp apple taste that goes down easy. It is also available in seasonal and additional year-round flavors such as Green Apple and Apple Ginger. The 5% ABV not enough for you? Try mixing a glass of Angry Orchard with a shot (or two) of cinnamon whiskey and you are in for a delicious fall treat.

Want to know more about beer?

It's summertime, beer season! That's why International Beer Day is August 2nd. Our community has you covered with more stories about beer:

  1. The Benefits of Drinking Beer: Let us count the ways. There are more than you might think.
  2. Best Beers to Beat The Heat: Drinking beer goes hand-in-hand with cooling off, especially when you have one of these.
  3. Delicious Beer Substitutes: Is beer not typically your thing? Try one of these instead.
  4. If College Majors Were Beers: Business, sports medicine, design – there's a beer for every major.

Redd’s Apple Ale.

Beer glasses full of red color beer

Redds Beer


Redd’s is, in fact, an ale and not a cider because of the way it is brewed. It is very sweet and has 5% ABV. Redd’s is one of my favorite not-beers. It is light, easy to drink and low on calories -- for alcohol. Drink this year round, for every occasion, no matter the weather, and you will be a happy non-beer drinker.

Wild Blue.

blueberry beerStableDiffusion

This is my favorite beer on this list. It tastes like blueberries, doesn’t taste like beer at all and has 8% ABV. Win, win and win. I am not sure if I need to say anything else, because once you try this beer, it speaks for itself.

There are probably plenty more malt drinks, ciders or flavored beers that could be included, but I think these are the best of the best.

So you beer-haters, get out there and start drinking (legally and responsibly, please)!

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