I Don't Know About You, But I'm Feeling Frostbitten Too | The Odyssey Online
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I Don't Know About You, But I'm Feeling Frostbitten Too

You can thank the good ole American Red Cross for this one.

I Don't Know About You, But I'm Feeling Frostbitten Too

There is something about this Indiana weather. I swear Mother Nature just has it out for the state in general. I mean we all know that Muncie in particular is famous for being a beautifully sunny day one hour and then raining the next…And then more sunshine the hour after that!

This winter however, Mother Nature had an extra special surprise in store for us Hoosiers. She has decided that we weren’t going to even have a winter until January! I mean really, there were a couple days in December we had 60-degree weather in Muncie.

Now that the spring semester has officially sprung, Mother Nature has decided to hit us with below zero temperatures (to come this week) along with snow and whatever else I’m sure. We really can’t expect much else though can we? I mean we do live in Indiana after all. 

Courtesy of the American Red Cross website, (and myself being worried about all our readers) I’ve decided to throw together a “Winter Storm Survival Guide” for you all! 

Here are four major things to keep in mind with the cold weather coming in:

1. Winterize your vehicle and keep the gas tank full! A full tank will keep the fuel line from freezing, but especially don’t let it get below a quarter of a tank. 

2. Insulate your home by installing storm windows or covering windows with plastic from the inside to keep cold air out.  

3. Maintain heating equipment and chimneys by having them cleaned and inspected (if needed).  

4. If you will be going away during cold weather, leave the heat on in your home, set to a temperature no lower than 55 degrees to keep the pipes from freezing while you are gone. 

These four things are definitely things to keep in mind, especially when it comes to your vehicle. A lot of times our cars are one of the last things we think about preparing for winter weather, but little things like filling up your gas tank go a long way for your car’s pipes.  

The Red Cross also says to make sure you put together a supply kit. Not only this, but that is something you need to make sure you have ready and waiting for whenever you need it, just in case the roads are too bad to drive or you get snowed in.  

Winter Storm Supply Kit: 

1. Water (at least a three day supply; one gallon per person per day)  

2. Food (at least a three day supply of non-perishable, easy-to-prepare food) 

3. Flashlight  

4. Battery-powered or hand-crank radio (NOAA Weather Radio, if possible)  

5. Extra batteries  

6. First aid kit  

7. Medications (7-day supply) and medical items (hearing aids with extra batteries, glasses, contact lenses, syringes, etc.) 

8. Multi-purpose tool

9. Sanitation and personal hygiene items

10. Copies of personal documents (medication list and pertinent medical information, proof of address, deed/lease to home, passports, birth certificates, insurance policies)

11. Cell phone with chargers  

12. Family and emergency contact information  

13. Extra cash (Yes, real paper money)  

14. Pet supplies (if needed)  

15. Tools/supplies for securing your home  

16. Sand, rock salt or non-clumping kitty litter to make walkways and steps less slippery  

17. Warm coats, gloves or mittens, hats, boots, scarves and extra blankets and warm clothing for all household members.  

18. Ample alternate heating methods such as fireplaces or wood or coal-burning stoves    

This may seem a little too protective for some of you, but as the oldies always say, “Better safe than sorry right?” 

Most importantly, I hope you all a warm and safe walk to class every day. 

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