The clichés exist. I'll be the first to admit that the stereotypes behind sorority girls are true! We love monograms, crafting, coolers, koozies, tailgates, mixers and date functions, and of course our perfect families complete with littles, bigs, gbigs, and ggbigs. As a matter of fact that was the main reason I joined. Chi Omega seemed to be the perfect fit with the sweetest girls, the most beautiful house, and the ideal place to have maximum fun over the next four years. After the hype of bid day I found that the biggest and best surprise was the sense of community. More than just friendship, community is defined as a feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals.
Community Provides Support.
A community is not only interested in what you bring to the table. A community wants to help you reach your potential. A community is there for you on the days that you feel like you conquered the world and during the times that you attempted to stay afloat while in a sea of homework and stress. It feels so good to know that my sisters look out for me on my toughest days.
Community Provides Experience and Advice.
Chi Omega has provided me with serious resources! These girls have taken all the classes that I'm currently struggling in, have brought every type of guy as a date to formal, know exactly what time to catch the right bus, where to eat, what places to visit… They've done it all. I look to my big and other sisters for their infinite wisdom on any and everything. I can ask away about the small stuff or my biggest worries. They've been right where I am right now. Their advice is always valid, and most importantly, they are always looking out for my best interest.
Community Provides Accountability.
After joining a sorority I realized that I now represent something more than myself. The Chi Omega symphony teaches members “to work earnestly, to speak kindly, to act sincerely, to choose thoughtfully." Knowing that I represent others, not only myself, reflects in my behavior. My sorority has just as much fun as any other group of college girls, but we hold each other accountable for our actions. Being a member of Chi Omega means that I am held to higher standards of behavior morally, academically, and socially.
Community Provides Relationships.
Friendships are definitely made outside of my community, no doubt. However in addition to the sisterhood that a sorority provides the girls involved become mentors, leaders, advisors, and counselors within the community. There is so much more to the friendships that are based on accountability, experience and support rather than friendships based on proximity or petty small talk or bonding when going out on the weekends. Deeper friendships allow for honesty, understanding, love, and real joy.
Community Is…
While I found my community through Chi Omega there are so many other awesome communities I see around campus. My roommate plays on the intermural volleyball team, other friends work on the yearbook or newspaper staff, several girls from my high school have become young life leaders. While I'm a huge fan of Greek Life, I know that it may not be for everyone but I do see that there are so many different communities at any college. Whatever your community is I hope that you have a similar positive experience that comes from being a part of something larger than yourself.