The gym. It’s probably one of the most dreadful places to ever exist. I always feel like I am doing something wrong, or I feel like everyone is looking at me.
Imagine this, you’re at the gym doing whatever it is gym-people do, but you don’t exactly know what you’re doing. I tend to say, “Alright, that’s enough of that.” I came, I did something, that’s good enough. It’s really hard for me to find the motivation in myself to workout.
On the other hand, when I’m in a class, I love it. I have to have someone who has authority over me, telling me what to do. It’s so much easier to have someone there inspiring me to keep going, even though I still take mini breaks. I always succeed so much more in a dance, hot yoga, or even pure barre class. Dear god, I will never do that again, I almost passed out that last time.
Anyways, I think it’s safe to say not everyone has that self motivation to get work done at the gym, and it’s okay. I grew up this way. By the time I was in high school, I was dancing about 36 hours a week. I’m pretty sure that’s as much as a manager would work at a regular job. I know that sounds insane, but to my teenage self, I didn’t notice, to me, it was class, and it was how I enjoyed exercising.
Here’s the bad part, typically classes are so much more expensive. I know you’re going to tell me to go to the Y or something. I don’t love the Y. I prefer going places that specialize in one class. I find it less crazy and a lot more calming. Hot Yoga definitely helps me center myself, but if I’m at the Y, there’s people everywhere, and kids running around, and it is just too chaotic for me.
Sadly, I don’t have the money to do said classes, so I have to stick to my occasional walk around the neighborhood. These days, I don’t even have time to get that done. So, let’s just hope for the best.