In the midst of Brett Kavanaugh's hearing for Supreme Court Justice, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford has courageously come forward and accused Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her when she was a teenager, followed by Anita Hill and Julie Swetnick. This is a brave act on her part as the #MeToo movement sees more and more women every day telling their sexual assault stories.
As always, Republican senators, judges, and (not surprisingly) Donald Trump have accused Dr. Ford of lying and wanting to sabotage Kavanaugh's chances of being on the Supreme Court. As a woman, I believe Dr. Ford. The facts are all there. She risks everything just by publicly accusing Kavanaugh of sexual assault. In fact, Dr. Ford was the one who requested an investigation by the FBI before her hearing. Why would she do that if it wasn't true?
As for Kavanaugh, he has offered a measly calendar from 1982 when the event happened and tried to lie and say it wasn't on his calendar, so it couldn't have happened, right? WRONG. I know for a fact that I have plenty of events that I have gone to and things I have done that I haven't put on my calendar. It's a weak excuse from Kavanaugh and Dr. Ford's testimony is much more credible. She disclosed her sexual assault with her therapist in 2012, long before anyone knew who Kavanaugh was. She even took a polygraph test (and passed), which Kavanaugh refuses to take. Kavanaugh also refuses to be investigated by the FBI.
For those who claim that Dr. Ford is lying, consider this: she is risking everything in accusing Kavanaugh of sexual assault. She is not being paid to do this. She is a respectable professor and has a Ph.D. She's the one with the most to lose by this accusation. Why would someone so respected do this if it wasn't true? And it is known information that the "party of 'family values'" has had many politicians accused and proven to have sexually assaulted women and children.
I believe women, and you should too.