Mr. President, I Am A Woman And I Matter | The Odyssey Online
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Hey Mr. President, I Am A Woman And We Are Not Disposable

To the man believes my gender doesn't matter, and everyone who's looking the other way while this happens.

Hey Mr. President, I Am A Woman And We Are Not Disposable
Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

Dear Mr. President,

I am a woman coming to you with a major concern here that I think a lot of people possess. Let me start by telling you about my myself: I am white, I am outstanding when it comes to my academics, and I am pursuing a medical career. I come from a primarily conservative town and family, and I enjoy my suburban town. I think we could get to know and really like each other right?

There's just one, tiny, small blurb I must leave out in order for you to take me seriously.

I am a woman.

Yes, the genitalia between my legs often defines who you take seriously, doesn't it?

And here's the thing, I have tolerated you because my parents have taught me respect for this country, respect for my military, and most importantly respect for myself. I come from a line where my family's blood has been shed and stained American history from fighting in the Revolutionary to the Civil, and even into World Wars and beyond.

Therefore, I do believe as a descendant of some courageous and patriotic, outstanding men that I do have a say in what I need to address with you about the state of our nation. I still care about America. And most importantly, I respect myself. I must ask you this one, simple question?

Why are you afraid of women?

We all know the notorious Franklin D. Roosevelt quote so I'm not even going to spell it out. You act out of fear, fear of inferiority. Anything foreign to us, as humans in our nature, tend to be apprehensive about and act in fright because we are not familiar with it. But, if you are acting out of fear, it can't be possible.

You know women all too well. You're Donald Trump and you have made some seriously absurd comments in the past about what you do behind closed doors. You have daughters and have had numerous wives.

Do you throw your comments in front of the mirror and ask them to look at themselves in relativity to your life and your family? What would you do if another man made groping comments to your daughter?

Furthermore, as the diplomat you so rightfully claim to be, should you not lead by example? I cannot relate because there has not been a woman in office to date. But, countless little boys and young men look up to you as our president to shape them. I remember little boys in my class exclusively saying, "Oh I want to be the president!" when asked about their futures.

Children watch the news and see what you say, especially through the countless social media platforms we have in this modern era.

A simple search of your name looks more like a cheap, exposé magazine rather than your presidential news.

Now, I respect that you are our president. You are my president. I was not of age to vote at the time of your election, but here we are. I understand you have the right to appoint, as head of the executive branch of our government, any person you see fit to reign on the Supreme Court.

But, might I ask you something that might be a bit biased? How could you choose Brett Kavanaugh? Out of so many choice and brilliant judges we have in this country, to heed a life position on a court that has quite possibly one of the most voiced women's rights activists on the panel as well: Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

This completely baffles me.

The press went wild when you proposed Kavanaugh, and you caused quite a stir, with me personally. This is a man who could set back women's health by centuries. This is a man who you selected to essentially abolish women's concerns for health care. How are other girls like me, in low-income, inner-city, and poverty-stricken areas able to receive free checkups and personalized care for the benefit of themselves?

I am not talking about birth control for preventative sex. Although, it allows many to participate in safe sex and I do not denounce it.

But how must girls like me in these areas, who may be suffering from endometriosis, get access to the medication they need to have a close to normal and less painful menstrual cycle after you utterly rip that from them entirely in the defunding of Planned Parenthood?

Have their healthcare and well-being ever crossed your mind?

You want everyone to work and rightfully earn what they want. How can they go to work when they can't even get out of bed without being doubled over?

Or worse: you and your new nominee overturn Roe v. Wade.

Where women have to go back to the closet, light one of their coat hangers on fire and try their best attempt at something you deem mortifying because of your perverted sense of heroism for the unborn. So women who have been raped not only have to carry their rapists' child for nine months of torturous PTSD, but also have to give birth to and stare at what their rapist created.

That is not procreation, and to be honest, the child's quality of life is at a minimum. One day they will find out. Not only have you caused a mother to go insane, but the mental health effects on the child can only be equal to, if not worse than what you did to the woman who carried.

Speaking of rape, why are you so fond of denouncing it? Are women that expendable to you? Just like that reporter you completely embarrassed in front of her colleagues because of her gender. Oh wait, I'm sorry. I got that mixed up with that time you verbally assaulted Dr. Ford's testimony on national television and made it a joke.

I have never been taught from my good, Christian, and overall conservative parents that making a joke on someone's real testimony to rape has ever been okay. And that is in my nineteen years of life. You are generations older, wiser, and most likely more educated than me to be holding office.

It takes someone seriously sick to make fun of rape, whether it happened or not.

I stand with Dr. Ford. I believe her because I live the life she lived. I am a single college girl, I have spontaneously made plans and not really known where they were.

I have had a drink. I have, as all women my age probably have been, inappropriately groped before. I know how quickly things can happen because I have the same psychology as Dr. Ford almost to a key.

I'm smart, I'm educated in college, and I am working towards a career in healthcare where my reputation is valued. I have not been raped or anything equal in experience to what happened to Dr. Ford, but I know where she is coming from. Women are not believed in society because we are too 'emotional' about everything it seems.

But Dr. Ford would not risk her reputation as an educator and a psychologist to completely lie to the nation.

Mr. President, I do not want your text messages, nor do I wish to see you in any news article that isn't directly for the purpose of bettering our country because, between the media and what you stand for as a person, it's very hard to stomach. You are my president and I have to accept you out of respect for my country. My grandpa, an ex-marine, would be rolling in his grave if I did not. I stand for the pledge of allegiance.

I tastefully discuss you amongst others. All in all, me and you just don't see eye to eye politically, and that's okay. Neither did me and Hilary, or me and Obama, or me and Bush. The problem is our two party system and you cannot have what you want in full.

My hope for you is that you better educate yourself on women's issues and rights as a whole.

We are equal in this country, and if you need to see that in the documentation, please view Amendment Nineteen of the Constitution –– the simple group of sentences that suffragettes fought for years for. As an upcoming woman emerging in the eye of the public and the world of healthcare, I wish you would please take time to learn about women's health and why it is so important we continue to support it. Women are the bearers of life, and we cannot neglect them.

I do not consider myself a feminist anymore as I once did. I see men's issues too like paternity leave and men's emotional stereotyping. I am an activist for gender equality, on both sides of the spectrums. But I cannot comprehend what you mean when you say, "men are afraid in this country more now than ever."

That concerns me. Is it finally because women feel like they won't be ostracized about coming forward about their sexual assault because now things can be done? Why are they afraid?

You know what I'm afraid of as a woman, Mr. President?

I'm afraid to walk to my car at night.

I'm afraid to take out the trash to the dumpster when I'm closing.

I'm afraid to set my cup down.

I'm afraid so I have to hold out my keys as a weapon.

I'm afraid to wear a cute new top out to dancing because it might look too inviting or slutty.

I'm afraid to unclip the mace from my set of work keys.

I'm afraid to take the knife or another bottle of mace out of my car "just in case."

I'm afraid of the imaginary and theoretical rapist or kidnapper waiting for me at the end of my goal when I am alone.

Most importantly, Mr. President... Take women seriously.

Take my friends of color and different sexual orientations seriously as well. Mr. President, we are your people and our country selected you as the man who must lead us and represent what we stand for –– all of us. Not just your personal beliefs. Men have been heard for years and understood. I think it is finally time to hear women and others just the same.

I want my country to be as great as you make it sound like it can be. You have done a lot, and I am grateful for the steady economy that is dominant in our society compared to the recession. I'm thankful for the democracy we have and how you have calmed nuclear tensions with North Korea. I just wish that women were more valuable to you.

It deeply pains me to see some of the women in my life: cousins, aunts, extended family, friends, coworkers, the little old ladies that hold up "Women for Trump" signs at your rallies, that all support you and continuously offer you so much love be so disrespected by the insults and submission you reject on them with some of the comments you make.

I'm even ecstatic your press secretary is a woman. But, she cannot continue to defend you and warp viewers' minds into believing that this is okay.

In no way is this supposed to be a political jab at you either. Unlike others, this is solely to address a concern I have about the treatment of people the same gender as me and delve into what might be causing that. I continuously respect you at your position.

Thank you for your time and understanding on this matter that I have lightened attention on.



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