Failing, it can be a scary thing. It means that you didn't do something right. Somewhere along the way, you messed up. Failing can be scary. It is so scary that some people are deeply afraid of failure. I am not one of those people.
I am not afraid to fail. I think in life sometimes to fail in order to learn the greatest life lessons. When you fail, that means you left your comfort zone. You tried something new, and it didn't work out in your favor.
Yeah, I get how that can be scary because maybe it's a sign that you're not supposed to be doing something. To me, I look at the bright side of failing. I look at how I messed up, and I learn from it.
Life is going to challenge you. Life will force you out of your comfort zone whether or not you are okay with it. Life will be a pain and it will take you down roads that you never thought existed.
In life, you will fail.
I know I have failed countless times. Am I happy every time I fail? No, but I don't let it beat me down for too long. I don't let it be the end of my story if I know I can learn from why I failed. I don't let my failure stop me from achieving my dreams and goals.
Failure forces me to work harder. Failure forces me to look at myself in the mirror and call me out on my mistakes. Failure forces me to accept reality.
I am the first person to admit I am not an expert in something. I am the first person to call myself out on a mistake that I've made. I am the first person to take full responsibility for something that I did wrong. I am the first person to admit that I will struggle at something. I am becoming the first person to put myself out there and leave my comfort zone.
Yeah, failing and life is hard. However, the best things in life don't come easily. They come with a lot of hard work and I want the best things in life. I want the greatest friends in the world (I have them), I want the greatest happiness in the world (I am getting there), I want my dream job (I am working towards it), I want to be proud of who I am (I am), and more.
All of these things require hard work. They require going through peaks and valleys, they require making mistakes. They require failure along the way.
If failing ultimately leads to a greater happiness and greater success that outweighs the failure, than I will gladly fail. I am not afraid of failure because I know a certain failure isn't the end of the road for me. If anything, it's a detour and that detour will guide me down the path that is right for me.
Let me fail. Let me learn from my failure. I don't regret anything, even if it led me to utter pain. I am not afraid of making a mistake and failing because I know it is a part of life.
Moral of the story don't be afraid to fail because it is inevitable. Embrace the failure and learn from it. That will lead to so much good and better happiness.