It seems every day when you turn on the news or scroll through your feed, there always seems to be some article written by someone in their upper thirties or older criticizing millennials to no end. It's on every TV station, magazine, and app and frankly, it's getting old.
Despite the confusion over who is exactly is a millennial, those who identify with that label are constantly being faced with criticisms that go anywhere from our dependence on technology to our supposed lack of social interaction.
We stare at our phones all day and shrink back from any attempt at real-life conversation. In many cases, these statements are in fact true, however, I don't think these are good enough reasons to think we will completely destroy what our parents and grandparents built.
Here's my response to the criticism whether you want to classify me as a millennial or not.
Throughout history, we see the countless movements and changes humanity has gone through and there seems to be a pattern. The younger generation is always the one rebelling and the older generation always seems to be shaking their heads and muttering disgrace under their breath. This is a rite of passage in a way and every person we know has gone through it or will; our parents, their parents and so on.
This is a natural thing to go through and the criticism, while inevitable and constructive, can be a bit trying at times. As a generation, we are working with the tools that have been set at our feet and we are trying to mold our way into the future. Some of the tools we have now are some that a few decades ago seemed outrageous and with these new tools, a new world was shaped.
Every single day it seems some adult is criticizing millennials for their lack of work ethic, the blatant disrespect for the older generations, and complete absence in anything that matters.
We are trying our best and hell, ten, twenty years ago, I'm sure the generation before us was being criticized for these exact things and they didn't turn out so bad. Sort of (I'm only kidding).
Have faith in this upcoming generation and let them find their way into the future. Millennials have a lot of cool things to work with and new platforms that had only been vague ideas a decade ago. The world stage is changing, and technology is booming, and I know that this generation will seriously surprise everyone and turn this world into a glorious place. All you got to do is have faith.
Some of us have some learning and growing up to do, it's true but just watch. We'll place our mark on this world and years from now, I'm sure we'll be throwing the same criticisms at our children and they'll surprise us as well.