Am I enough?
This is a question that I think about a lot. Why? I know for a fact that every now and then you might think about this too.
Sometimes my mind eats away at me and makes me believe that there is someone out there that could be better at the positions I'm in or that I'm not good enough for that one person. Sometimes this might hold me back from doing certain things and to be honest I'm trying to work on it.
I know for a fact that I am ENOUGH and that these thoughts in my head are only temporary. I am the key holder to my own success and happiness and no one can determine my worth except for me. So why do I still feel as if I might not be enough?
This generation is so caught up on the idea that they need to be something to be someone and don't get me wrong I believe that too. But there comes a point in time to where you might have to take a step back and tell yourself that who you are as a person right now is perfectly fine. You don't have to be the next big thing to determine your worth or for that one boy to determine your worth. You are perfect the way you are.
Although sometimes I do fall back into those thoughts, it is really hard to come back out of them. Especially when you constantly compare yourself to other people. Social media is something that is very prominent within our society and has a lot of people question whether or not they are enough.
What do I mean by this? When you log on to social media, do you compare yourself to other people or why you're not possibly living your best life like they are? Let me tell you I do this a lot and I've finally come to a point to where I don't care anymore. As long as I love myself and I love the people in my life, ya homegirl is living her best life.
So back to my question, am I enough?
Yes...yes I am. I am the one who determines that and no one else will. I can never change who I am as a person and if people don't like me for who I am then peace out!