I have always settled in all areas of my life. I let myself live a mediocre life. I let myself settle in all things for the sake of being comfortable. I have finally decided that enough is enough. I am no longer letting myself be okay with being just okay. I am not going to let myself just linger through life. I am going to aim high in all things that I do.
I've settled in friendships, relationships, and even just in everyday life things. I am done settling. I have been cutting things and people out of my life that has caused me to settle. I have been trying new things and going out of my comfort zone. I want to live my life to the fullest. I want to look back at my life and have no regrets, and settling is the one way to have regrets.
Making major life changes can be very difficult, but this is one that is definitely needed. I intend on changing this and never looking back. I am tired of setting the bar too low. I am tired of the mediocrity. I am tired of putting up with people that don't treat me the way I deserve. I am tired of not pushing myself. I am tired of letting myself do the bare minimum. I am done settling. I am done just being complacent. I am going to set the bar higher. I am going to push myself harder. I am going to stop putting up with other people who bring me down. I only want people in my life who are happy for me. I only want people in my life who bring out the best in me, not the worst.
I don't want to live a so-so life. I want to be the happiest I can be. I want to live the fullest life that I can. That is what I plan on doing from now on. No more being comfortable. No more settling.