When all my friends downloaded the app TikTok, I sat there in disbelief thinking "aren't we a little old to be on an app dominated by 15 year olds." I even laughed at them when they started getting on it all the time. Well after a while I got tired of listening to all the inside jokes that came along with having a TikTok so as my friend Sarah said "I committed the ultimate sin… and I downloaded TikTok." Ever since doing so I have spent every free second that I have on the app. When walking from class to class I will turn on the app and see what has happened during the time I was in class. I am constantly sending funny ones to all of my friends, and I even take time out of my day to sit there and learn all the popular dances. My friends and I have gotten to the point where we cannot even have a conversation without having at least one TikTok reference. When I say my addiction has gotten so bad there have been times where I chose not to go out, because I wanted to watch more videos. I think one of the reasons that I like the app so much is because while I am on the app for a few minutes it feels like I am a child again. When I was in middle school there was an app called Vine, and it took the world by storm. That app was filled with 6 second videos of people truly being themselves and it was hilarious. I can remember me and my best friend spending the whole night of our sleepover not only watching these vines, but also making them. Another reason why I like TikTok so much is because again so many times on different social media platforms it is filled with people showing a bunch of their "best lives." You do not really get to see them being a real person, but on TikTok it shows people as they really are. Don't get me wrong there's always the thirst trap videos, but often times it is people joking about things going on in their lives. It takes things that people are going through and it a since giving it a funny side to it, and so because of that you can see someone is going through the same stuff you are. I never thought that I would be the person to have a TikTok account, but I am so glad that I am.
AdultingJan 29, 2020
I Am An Almost 21 Year Old Addicted To TikTok
Hi my name is Allie, and I have an addiction to TikTok