8. Tom Segura | The Odyssey Online
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11 Comedians On Netflix Who Will Actually Have You Rolling On The Floor With Laughter

They may even have you crying with laughter, too.

11 Comedians On Netflix Who Will Actually Have You Rolling On The Floor With Laughter

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I don't have a ton of free time, but when I do, I usually spend it on Netflix like any other average Millennial. And since I don't have the willpower to keep up with T.V. shows, and none of the movies on Netflix are even worth watching, I spend a lot of time watching comedy stand-up specials. I'm kind of an expert on knowing which comedians are the best (unfortunately I can't put THAT on a résumé) but look at these 11 comedians who are worth checking out Netflix.

1. Sebastian Maniscalo

"Problem is, I got a problem with everything" is one of Maniscalco's slogans and his comedy is something that is relatable to many people (especially for those who can be easily annoyed). His mannerisms remind me all too much of Jim Carrey, but make no mistake that this Italian/Greek comic is highly original and will have you in tears laughing.

You can watch his stand-up "Aren't You Embarrassed?" on Netflix.

2. John Mulaney

Mulaney's comedy is often compared to Jerry Seinfeld's, but I have to say that Mulaney might just be better. A lot of his comedy is based off of childhood memories, and it can often be self-deprecating, but it's very fun nonetheless.

You can watch his stand-ups "New In Town", "The Comeback Kid", "Kid Gorgeous", his Broadway special with Nick Kroll "Oh, Hello", and Kroll and Mulaney's animated show "Big Mouth" all on Netflix.

3. Ali Wong

"...My goal for the longest time was to be a trophy wife, but then I found out in order to be a trophy wife, you have to be a trophy. I am more of a commemorative plaque". Wong's comedy will have you smiling from ear-to-ear throughout her entire routine. She makes you feel as though she's just talking to you and she's sharing all her secrets with you alone.

You can watch her Netflix stand-up specials "Baby Cobra" and "Hard Knock Wife".

4. Dave Chapelle

He's doesn't have ANY problem with saying what's on his mind. He says what he wants to, so he can say some things that'll rock you back, so be aware that when you watch him you're in for a ride.

His stand up special "Equanimity and the Bird Revelation" and "Dave Chapelle" are on Netflix.

5. Natasha Leggero and Moshe Kasher

Let's put it this way: One night my roommate and I were watching these duo comedians and after the punchline to each joke, my roommate audibly gasped an “Oh my God." These two are the definition of explicit and they utilize offensive humor very often; however, they are incredibly funny. But if offensive humor isn't your cup of tea, you should probably stay away from them.

But if you're someone who knows how to take a joke, then watch “The Honeymoon Special".

6. Iliza Shlesinger

It's hard to come by female comedians who don't just stand up and make fun of themselves for an hour, which is why I love Shlesinger's routine so much. She does phenomenal impressions and she owns the stage. She's even someone that my entire family loves to watch!

Make sure to catch her stand-up specials "War Paint", "Freezing Hot", "Confirmed Kills" and "Elder Millennial" (coming out July 24th).

7. Chelsea Peretti

Peretti is genuinely one of the funniest female comedians out there. Her comedy takes twists that you wouldn't expect and her one hour performance is TRULY a wild ride.

Check out her Netflix stand-up special "One of the Greats".

8. Tom Segura

He's a lesser known comedian, but regardless, he's one of the best to watch. He's genuinely hilarious and he says what he wants to say without being too offensive or crossing the line.

Check out his specials "Mostly Stories", "Completely Normal", and "Disgraceful" on Netflix.

9. Jim Gaffigan

Gaffigan's comedy is great because it's family friendly; he's one of my favorite clean comedians because he doesn't rely on being explicit in order to be funny. It's refreshing and different from mainstream comedians.

Check out his specials "Beyond the Pale", "Obsessed", "King Baby", "Mr. Universe", and "Cinco" all on Netflix.

10. Chris Rock

Do I really need to convince any of you to watch Chris Rock? We all know who he is, and we all know that he's one of the greatest comics out there.

You'll find his special "Tamborine" on Netflix.

11. Seth Rogen’s “Hilarity For Charity”

Granted, this isn't a specific comedian—it's a charity fundraiser event to raise awareness for Alzheimer's. The event has comedians such as Michael Che, Michelle Wolf, Sarah Silverman, Tiffany Haddish, among many others.

There's a wide variety of comics and it's fun to watch, so make sure to check it out!

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