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The Hypocrisy Of The Academy Awards 2019

It's really telling that so much of America is corrupt, even the Oscars.


It's award season and everyone is pining to see which films from the past year will receive an Academy Award. Tons of films were released last year (2018) that garnered a lot of attention. From the cinematic phenomenon of "Avengers: Infinity War" to John Krasinski's break out film, "A Quiet Place" moviegoers have been spoiled with films this year. But what I personally see a lot of the time is certain films gaining too much praise or are not acknowledged enough. And I feel for the last couple of years, The Academy itself has been out of touch of what movies deserve awards.

The Academy Awards, aka The Oscars, have been around for ninety years. Awarding films for categories like Best Picture, Best Cinematography, Special Effects and more. And while I will touch on the categories later in this article. I want to first address how a film is actually determined to even be considered for an Oscar. Surprisingly enough it's similar to politics.

Philip Defranco did an exclusive piece detailing how even before a film is released it is campaigned by the studio to these award barriers for consideration for an Oscar (Full Video). At first, this idea seems blasphemous until a recent example can possibly confirm this. "Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse" (2018) released to universal praise for its unique art style and stellar new solo story/representation. But I remember before the film was even released it was posted on its official Instagram that it was being considered for a Golden Globe award.

Funny how this film is not even out and it's already receiving awards. Not that that is a bad thing, I really enjoyed "Spider-Man: Into the Spider-verse." But if one is to connect the dots then it is pretty obvious these films are considered for awards before they are released. But this system gets shadier and shadier. Over 8,000 film critics, directors, and actors are consulted for who is considered for each Oscar Category. And while it does not seem emotionally bias, many individuals actually lobby for their films to be considered for an Oscar. This could be by subliminal advertising on television to sending only positive reviews for a film. Seems kinda shady, similar to how in politics each side is usually trying to make themselves look good. What makes this worse is that the main council that has the final says on the films is so out of touch it hurts.

Very similar to Congress, the final council of the Academy is comprised of a small group of old filmmakers, critics, and directors. Like I mentioned earlier they are so out of touch with what films people actually believe deserve awards. For example, back in 2015, an article from cinemablend.com revealed that a majority of Academy members admit to not seeing the nominee for best picture. How logical that people will blindly vote on something and not even know if it was good or not? Well to be fair, this article is from 2015, how has the academy approved?

The Oscars nominees this year that really piqued my interest is "Black Panther" and "Avengers Infinity War". While it is great to see Superhero films finally acknowledged again in the Academy, I personally feel some are there for not the reasons we were all hoping. "Black Panther" was an amazing film. I actually dressed up as someone from Wakanda to go see the film.

Black Panther Premiere in Brooklyn, OhioMarc Anthony Brown

The film directed by Ryan Coogler is up for Best Picture and while the film is one of the top three best Marvel Cinematic Universe films I feel it is not being considered because it is the best. Rather because it will make the Oscars look good if they give the award to a film with an all-black cast. For years, the Academy made fun of Superhero flicks. For the last ten years, people from Hollywood have said they are "ruining Hollywood." Which is completely untrue seeing they are actually making billions of dollars and are universally praised. People from Hollywood just don't like how they are dominating the Box Office. So why the sudden change? Because more and more people have been abandoning the Oscars. So the Academy has been trying to adapt in all the worst possible ways.

Back in 2018, the Oscars were considering adding a new category called "Most Popular Film". People were furious because they saw it as a way for big studios to just pump out mediocre movies that they know will make a billion dollars. "Lion King" (2019) is a film that does not need to be made but we are all going to go see it. We all know it is going to make a billion dollars. Then in the last quarter of 2018, news reports were showing that no celebrity wanted to host the Oscars. Apparently, celebrities do not enjoy hosting the Oscars.

Eventually, Kevin Hart was given the position but lost because of decade-old tweets. However, Kevin Hart apologized for those tweets. But the academy did not reinstate his position. And while that's a whole conversation for another time, it didn't make the Oscars look good in the press. So it was rumored that The Academy was interested in using different celebrities to announce award categories. And who were the celebrities you might ask? Well, none other than the Marvel Cinematic Universe cast (Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson etc.). This article was initially broken by The Hollywood Reporter (Article). This was not received well as the Actors Union (SAG-AFTRA) publicly scolds the Oscars. "We have received multiple reports of these activities and have experienced firsthand the Academy's graceless pressure tactics and attempts to control the awards show talent pipeline. (Vanity Fair Article)"

I just find it funny. For years they criticized these superhero films and now in a desperate attempt to gain back viewers they are using them as pawns. Also going back to those categories they are still shameful. How come there are NO female directors nominated for the best director this year? How is it that after ninety years there is still not a category for the academy that does not acknowledge all the work stunt men and women do? People who are literally risking their lives to provide the best films for the audience. And even with the inclusion of Superheroes, they are still screwing up. Why is Kevin Feige (Producer of the Marvel Cinematic Universe) receiving the award and not Ryan Coogler the actual director of "Black Panther". Really says something when an all-black cast stands behind a white man as he holds their reward. No disrespect to Kevin Feige he is a wonderful guy who truly is a great resource in the superhero community. Also "Aquaman" (2018) did not get nominated. Director James Wan literally had people dressed up in so much special effect makeup to help bring the world of Atlantis to life. Were they so good people thought they were CGI?

In conclusion, I am only tuning in for the Oscars to see if Black Panther wins. Am I glad a superhero film got nominated? Totally! Do I feel the Oscars are still only doing this to save their behinds? Totally. I just hope as old Hollywood moves out the new people can fix it. It's really telling that so much in America is corrupt. Harvey Weinstein, The Trump Administration and now the Oscars. Really shows the world the true face of the United States.

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