How do you know if your HVAC system has an issue? Check out the problem you might encounter with your HVAC below!
Clogged Filter
Not feeling good air flow? It might be because your filter is clogged.
One that's dirty doesn't allow the air to flow through efficiently. When this happens, it needs to be replaced.
Noises coming from the HVAC system means there's a problem. Rattling, clanking or banging indicates you'll need to get in contact with an HVAC company.
They'll be able to pinpoint the issue to ensure your system gets back to working normally.
Power Issues
Just because you're having power issues doesn't mean it's an expensive or hard fix. Access the following:
Is the power turned on and is it plugged in?
Does the circuit breaker have to be reset?
Does your thermostat need new batteries?
Answering these questions can ensure you find the problem quickly.