As women, we grow up in a culture that causes us to dream of that "special day" since baby bottles and diapers. In everything surrounded by young women, marriage and finding the "right man" is added to the equation. Think of every iconic Disney Princess movie, what does it end with? The princess concluding the film with her knight in shining armor.
Honestly, I'm not a huge fan of the idea of marriage. Let me clear that up, I have nothing against marriage, but at this time in my life, marriage doesn't seem ideal. One day I'll get married, but that'll be far into the future. When the time comes, I'll find someone, if I genuinely love them and join in unity.
When young men are growing up, they're taught to look beyond love and relationships, a life of great success and hard-work. Men are raised to be strong, successful, leaders, and take initiative in important situations of life. While women are raised to be pretty and subdued individuals of society, waiting for the right man to show them life.
Growing up in a foreign culture, young women are taught particular tasks to cater to their future husbands. Learning how to cook, clean, wash clothes and be the best wife to your future husband, while young men are never taught these particular tasks. As the culture developed throughout the years, these are not ideal for women but still, live in the culture.
A vivid memory of my childhood was at the age of about twelve or thirteen-years-old when a family member asked what I wanted to do in the future and I explained my goals of attending college. In which, the family member said, "after that, you will get married and have children, right?" as I looked back at her puzzled. She looked shocked as if my whole life was leading up to finding the "perfect man".
Not to be a downer, but the "perfect man" doesn't exist, the "perfect" person doesn't exist. Everyone has flaws, I have flaws, you have flaws, we all are flawed individuals. While I would love to find a significant other to spend my time with, I'm not searching for someone who just doesn't exist.
In reality, no man will be sweeping me off my feet anytime soon, it's the 21st century, not the "The Notebook". I certainly know that no man will be my knight in shining armor and save me from my "troubled" life. I'm not a damsel in distress in search of the strong, dominant man to rescue me. I'm able to save myself and be my own knight in shining armor in this terrifying life.
Tonight, I'm not praying for a husband or the "perfect man" to fall right into his arms cause I can handle this life on my own. Ladies, this life is ours, take initiative and show the world that we're independent individuals. The world is a scary place, but we can definitely do this all on our own.