We do not necessarily know if people are real and truly genuine to you and we don't know what people's intentions are towards you. So we have this guard up to the point where we don't even speak to new people. It's a little deranged, but from my experiences and situations I've realized and learned to try with some people without this guard being up, and also being aware to who I let in my life.
Learning that not everyone's intentions are good you kind of have to keep an eye out, that does not mean do not trust anyone, but it means to have your own back first in many situations. I know when to go to people and I know when to distance myself. To get by in life you are going to go through various amounts of people and some will stick around, some will go and some with come back in your life. You just have to learn how to determine what wholesome person is for you and who will stick around with you.
They will Hurt you, they will Help you, and they will Hinder you; the 3 Hs (HHH):
They will HURT you because I believe some people do come in your life to teach you lessons on what not to do in the future. You can't control the actions of others so this WILL happen. You will get hurt. You will have to learn how to deal with this encounter.
They will HELP you. There are (believe it or not) people that are genuine and actually mean what they say to you. Those people are rare but we do have at least one person in our life that are like that, and if you think you don't check your roster! There are millions of people in this world with different hearts, you are around one.
Lastly, They will HINDER you Because some people come in your life to kind of set you back. They will keep you from doing certain things in your life to benefit their own needs. You may be blind to such people and you may not know it but look for the signs in people that will only look out for themselves around you, they will set you back.
All in all, the people around you may or may not have bad intentions but it is entirely up to you to determine who is there for you and who has your best interest at heart, I am just here to give you some awareness towards doing so. xo