I'm to the point where even if something small happens, I have a mental breakdown. I can't handle anything anymore because I've bottled everything up for so long that I'm slowly cracking. I'm going to keep cracking till there is no point of repair which is my biggest fear. I don't know what to do anymore besides cry. I wish there was something I could do. I try to be positive then something bad happens which causes me to crack more & I'm back to square one. I can't keep doing this cycle. It's too hard on me & it's hard on everyone around who has to deal with me. I never realized how difficult of a person I was till recently. Everyone complained about everything I did or said, but little did I know that I wasn't sure what I was doing in the first place. I feel like a shell & I'm empty on the inside. I don't know how to make myself feel whole. I'm tired of putting the burden on my family. It's just hard because I care but I'm too the point when I'm so tired of hurting that I don't care if I hurt anyone else. I scream out for help but there's no one. Everyone leaves in my life & I can't count on anyone. When I finally have my last straw, that's when strangers come in & try to save me but little do that know that I'm already too far gone. I honestly don't know what to do besides “ACT” normal. I want to cry & be alone. I also want someone to be there to comfort me. I can't win. I'm continually losing this battle. I can't keep up anymore.