"Hurry up and slow down." My least favorite high school physics teacher used to say to us when before we took the infamous all-or-nothing quizzes. You either received a 100 or a zero if even one mistake was made, forcing those that actually cared about our GPAs to have to retake it until we got it right. I still remember the first time he explained this phrase to our class. He told a story about how he was late for work and began to speed, resulting in him getting pulled over by a cop and getting a ticket. In result, he ended up being later for work than he would have been without speeding. His speech was a reminder of how we end up doing more work sometimes when we take shortcuts or try to rush through things that take time.
Recently, I have been in the process of making a major life decision of moving almost 1000 miles from where I have lived my entire life. To say that this decision is crucial would be an understatement. A family member of mine suggested that I moved up sooner than later to get a job while I continued to get paid for my teaching job over the summer. While I leaned towards this idea more, it ended up stressing me out even more than my original plan.
I ended up having a mental breakdown since it was too much to take in at one time and was then told by that same family member that I should stick with the original plan to move at the end of July. I ended up hurrying up to slow down in the end.
Now that I am visiting my future home on vacation, I am more relaxed and able to look for a job without worrying about a timeline. I am also able to tie up any loose ends where I am currently living. In the end, sometimes we have to stop and evaluate where we are at and what the best measures are to achieve our goals.