Hurricane Harvey destroyed houses.
People were literally forced out of their houses, rushing to grab what they could before leaving their house behind. Roads became rivers and water became the enemy. Water continued to rise and houses quickly became saturated and ruined. Yes, a house is just a house. But a house is a safe place with many memories.
I came home from the hospital after being born to this house. I learned to walk in this house. We brought all of our dogs home to this house. I left for prom from this house. I moved off to college from this house. I have celebrated Christmas every year in this house. I have come back home from college to this house for 2 years. I have experienced so many things in this house.
I came home to this same house, just one day after turning 21 years old. For 21 years, I have been coming home and living in this house. But this time, my house was different. There were not floors. The walls were not intact. This did not look like the house I have known my whole life. It barely even looked like a house at all.
Most people have moved, once, twice, maybe even a few times in their life. So while they may really like their house, it is not the only house they have ever known. Maybe they lived a few years in this house and a few years in that house. But for me, everything has happened to me in this same house.
So it's shocking to see such drastic, negative, change to something you have seen as a safe place for 21 years.
Thankfully, we can fix our house. Maybe we aren't able to live in it right now but we will be one day. But I know for some people, they may never be able to live in their house again. Whether the funds just aren't there or they just don't want to deal with the hassle, some people's houses will never be the same.
But the thing is, even though it holds so many precious memories, it is just a house. They are just walls. It's just furniture. The floor is just fancy ground. I know it's a huge hassle and financial burden to fix. I know. A house is necessary. But even so, it is just a house. Yes, hundreds of memories were made but the memories are still thriving.
The floors are ruined but the memories are not. It was not the walls that made the memories special. It was not the floor that I remember as I left for college. It's not the furniture that made my life at my house so blessed. It was hugging my parents goodbye as I left for college that I remember. It was taking pictures with my brothers as I left for prom that I remember. It was running around the yard with my dog that I remember. It's the people I was with in my house that made the memories, not the house itself. My house is ruined but my home is not.
As cliche as it is, home really is where the heart is, not where the house is.
And I have my whole heart right here with me.
I always have.
And I always will.
"When we have each other, we have everything."