From before I was born, I was in the woods, and I have loved it since day one! There is something about being in God's creations when they are coming to life at the first break of light. Most people who disagree with hunting are negative because of the trophy hunting concepts that have come into play over the years.
I can honestly say that it has never been about trophy hunting for me. I love hunting because its when I feel closest to my God. Which may sound odd to some people, but there is something about watching life in the woods unfolding in front of your eyes. Sometimes I am lucky enough to be interrupted from my conversations with God by one of his creatures. I sit and watch as they do their daily routine, and I am just in awe of His abilities to make our world as beautiful as it is.
More hunts go by that I do not harvest an animal than hunts when I do, which makes it all the more worth it when the time finally comes that there is an animal that I can harvest. Whether it be a big doe, old buck (big or small rack) or my favorite a mature gobbler on a spring morning, the adrenaline will never become less of a factor for this hunter. I am filled with happiness that I will provide meat for our family (wild game is our favorite). Also, I am filled with thanks to God, who has provided this animal to be harvested.
I say it's not about the trophy or about the size of a buck's rack or a gobbler's spurs, because I have been taught by some great men that is not what hunting is about. I had about six years in-between bucks - my first being in seventh grade and my second being in my freshman year of college. I got excited, but for some reason I was able to contain my shakes and make a quick and efficient shot. I was so thankful that I had taken the biggest deer I had ever seen.
Even though this was a trophy to me, I have never and will never take an animal for its trophy status if I do not need the meat it will provide or that it could provide others. I am thankful that my dad and grandfather taught me everything I know about hunting. They taught me the correct things and how to value every second in the woods. Thank you dad and Papa for helping make me who I am today.