You signed up for Humorology because it's one of the biggest fundraisers on campus and everyone in your pledge class was doing it. The directors made it fun the first few weeks. You stopped showing up for a few weeks when you had exams. Then, November rolled around and the directors started talking about Heaven Week. Thanksgiving rolled around and you returned to school and had no motivation to do anything but then BAM: Heaven Week hits you and you realize within the first day that it is not in fact Heaven Week, but Hell Week.
1. The week before Hell Week when you're in perfect bliss and naïve to the fact of how truly daunting it is.
2. When it's Sunday night and you have a sinking realization that Hell Week is officially upon you.
3. When you're at the first practice of the week and you realize it is really gonna be as bad as everyone says it is and your body is instantly taken over by fear.
4. When you see the schedule and note that the directors aren't letting you out until 2 AM some nights.
5. Beginning every practice with tongue twisters.
6. When the dance director shows you the dance moves and nothing is translating from your brain to your body.
7. When the music director makes you sing that high note only dogs can hear.
9. When you don't know your part of the harmony so you just resort to singing the melody.
10. When the music director tries to motivate everyone to sing with energy.
11. The directors trying to get everyone to do the Humo face.
12. When a director (and/or member of exec) complements you on your acting, singing, dancing, or Humo face.
13. When tensions are running high between the directors.
14. When your director is nagging you for every little mistake you make.
15. When the exec member you hate shows up for house visits.
16. When you've been at practice for hours and all you can think about is curling up in bed with food.
18. When you finally get a water break and the directors are trying to talk to you.
19. When you forget your lines.
20. When a director says you did a terrible job with your line/face/dance/singing/all of it.
21. You and your friends try to make the time go by faster.
22. When you realize you actually have to focus if you want the show to look good.
23. When you've been at it for five hours and you need coffee.
24. When the end of practice is near.
25. When you get out of practice later than the directors promised.
26. When everyone sits down at the end of the night to have a meeting and the directors keep talking and giving critiques.
27. When the directors finally say you can leave.
28. The next morning when your roommate asks you how many hours you guys had practice for.
29. When the week is finally over and you either make the final show or you don't and you realize what Humo is really all about: bonding with old friends, meeting new ones, and raising money for charity.