There are many instances in life where we think we know more than someone who has had far more time learning and perfecting the very scenarios that we face. Although we know that the advice we are receiving is well thought out and logical, we still find ourselves thinking that we know what the best thing to do is.
For example, a few weeks ago, I went skiing for the second time in my life. The instructor, who has been skiing for most of his life, gave us two suggestions as to how we could successfully get down the hill. Suggestion number one was to constantly be leaning forward, so it was easier to stay moving forward. Suggestion number two was to keep our hands on our knees the whole time. Sounds simple enough. On my first trip down the hill, I immediately stood straight up and let go of my knees. I went against both suggestions all at once and nearly toppled over as I was trying to regain my balance. Because I chose not to listen to the experienced instructor, I struggled to get down the hill in a graceful manner.
When reflecting on this moment of life, I began to ponder how often we go against what we are being told because we think we know better, especially when it comes to our walks with Christ. More often than not, we are provided with a set of instructions on how to go about doing a certain duty or complete a certain task. Also more often than not, we tend to think we know better than whoever is instructing us. As humans, we get into this mindset of thinking we know more than we actually do.
The fact of the matter is that we need to humble ourselves and realize that we do not, in fact, know everything, nor will we ever. If we humble ourselves and allow others to help us, then we will experience a greater joy in life through genuine humility and authenticity. As Matthew 23:12 exemplifies,
For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.
Whether we recognize, realize, admit it or not, we have all known God's instructions on certain aspects of our lives and let our pride overtake them by taking matters into our own hands. God tells us to do one thing, yet we decide that another thing is clearly better for us. God wants us to be patient with a certain situation, yet we feel that we are independent enough to speed up the process.
Whatever it is in your life that you feel you can do without God, there is only a matter of time before you will humbly realize that you cannot. Lean forward and hold on, because you can do whatever you set your heart and mind to through patience and God's strength.