"I know you got mountains to climb but always stay humble and kind."
I'm a freshman in college, I know that I have three more years to go and then some, but I can tell you now, that I have already faced some of the best and worst times of my life just in this year.
When you're about to start college, they tell you you're about to enter the best years of your life, but what they don't tell you is that they're also they most stressful and anxiety-filled years of your life. Now I know what you're thinking, "she's only a freshman," but just in this year, I've struggled more than I ever have with my faith, my friendships, and faith in myself. I've struggled with reminding myself that no matter how low someone may treat me I have to remember the way my mom raised me and the values that I have for myself.
At the beginning of the year, I was more than excited to get involved and make new friends. Well, I joined a sorority and found so many new people to hang out with, in and out of my sorority. It was so awesome. I was having the time of my life, but then I started finding that the bad was starting to outweigh the good. I started struggling in school, I wasn't sure if what I wanted to do with my future was what I wanted to do, the people I was living with turned out to not be the nicest people, and I was feeling absolutely stuck and alone. I didn't know where to go and where to turn, and I was at the point where I wanted to quit. Second semester rolled around, and things were just getting worse. I was at my lowest point and I was struggling more that I ever have. I still am struggling at this point. I was calling my mom every day almost crying to come get me because I just didn't want to be surrounded by these people anymore, I felt like I couldn't deal with it anymore. There were days when I just didn't want to get out of bed and face the world. Things weren't good with my roommate, my floor, some of my friends or my classes. It literally felt like my world was at a stop.
Usually, at this point, I would have turned to God, but I was struggling with my faith too and I didn't know if He was even listening. I prayed every night anyways just in case, read the Bible, and talked to Him at every chance I got, just hoping he was listening.
I was still so lost.
For Greek Week at my university, we had to go see a speaker. Something that really spoke to me was when she talked about how we dealt with different things in our lives, and how we're going to leave a mark in other people's lives. She told us to always have faith in God, and ended her speech with Tim McGraw's "Always Stay Humble and Kind." It may seem silly to you, but I was bawling my eyes out at this point because that was the thing I was struggling the most with. I didn't know how I was going to deal with anything and leave my mark.
Listening to this song at the end of her remarkable speech not only reminded me that I have a remarkable God on my side, but that I need to stay humble and kind no matter the situation.