Since finding Superwoman a.k.a Lilly Singh a few years ago, I learned about a friend of hers that also did YouTube videos. And that friend is Humble the Poet. When I first watched his videos, I wasn't too keen on what he was doing. My idea of content at the time was skits and funny rants.
But I started to "grow up". I started to love the little intricacies of day to day life. While the skits were great, I loved getting to know the person who was behind the persona. That's when I ran into a few of Humble's videos. I was beginning to be a fan of his music and content, that I bought his books.
Recently, an older video of his was on his Facebook page and it caught my attention. "Humble vs. Humble" . After watching the video, all I could think about is how true to life it is. How most of us are the first version of Humble, constantly bashing on ourselves. We nitpick all of things that could go wrong and that are wrong with what we are doing.
But the real inspiration is the second version we see of him. It's interesting that we need to hear those things from others in order to know that we are doing enough. When in reality, we have the strength to remind ourselves that we can do anything that we set or minds to. We can be the ones to remind ourselves that we are amazing. That our goals are reachable. No matter what they are.
The need to be kind and spread love doesn't just stop at other people, but it should be towards ourselves too. In the end the person that we should be doing everything for is ourselves, so why shouldn't we do everything we possibly can to create a better version of us?