This week I decided to do a short synopsis/ breakdown of Tim McGraw’s song “Humble and Kind." I was listening to it driving home from work and the song spoke to me. If you haven’t listened to this song please do. You’ll find it worthwhile. It holds many lessons that people need to remember. People in this society have forgotten how to be “Humble and Kind," and this song is a good reminder.
“You know there's a light that glows by the front door. Don't forget the key's under the mat. Childhood stars shine."
Remember where you’re from, don’t forget your childhood or the fact that you can always go home no matter what happens in this life. Your family will always be your home and a light you can turn to in dark times.
"Always stay humble and kind."
“Go to church 'cause your momma says to.”
A lesson from your mom, who wants you to believe and trust in the Lord no matter what happens and knows the church is a safe place in times of struggle.
“Visit grandpa every chance that you can. It won't be wasted time."
Just remember that life isn’t always guaranteed. Love and live and learn from your elders, because one day you’re going to want guidance, and all you have left of those people are memories.
"Always stay humble and kind."
“Hold the door, say please, say thank you.”
Always remember your manners, for people hold you in higher regard as a caring, respectful individual.
“Don't steal, don't cheat, and don't lie.”
Don’t do these things that hurt other people. Stealing is taking something from an honorable hardworking person. Cheating is a false win, you will never be satisfied and you aren’t true to others or yourself. Don’t lie because lying leads to distrust, disrespect, and broken hearts.
“I know you got mountains to climb but...”
No matter what hardship you are going through, you always need to treat others with kindness and love. You cannot take your anger or hurt out on another person. Try to pour your worries out with positive actions, such as helping another person with a simple act of kindness or seek help from those who can give you a hand. Do not seek to lash out at others because their life seems to be better than your own.
"Always stay humble and kind."
“When the dreams you're dreamin' come to you. When the work you put in is realized. Let yourself feel the pride but...”
When you finally live your dream and the work you’ve done is finally being worth the mountains you’ve climbed, feeling pride is natural. You have achieved an amazing thing, but remember that other people are shooting for their own dreams and goals. Lift them up too and be a role model.
"Always stay humble and kind."
"Don't expect a free ride from no one.”
You have to earn your way in life. Life isn’t about getting free handouts; it’s about living your life to the fullest and working to better yourself as an individual.
“Don't hold a grudge or a chip and here's why. Bitterness keeps you from flyin'.”
Bitterness keeps a person hung on one single emotion. It keeps a person from experiencing joy, as well as others. It is better to forgive those who hurt you than to hold deep hurt and continue with pain.
"Always stay humble and kind."
“Know the difference between sleeping with someone and sleeping with someone you love. "I love you" ain't no pick up line so...”
Know the difference between actual love and someone who really doesn’t care. You should always wait for the one that will love you the rest of your life. Only say “I love you” to another person if you really mean it, it is not a phrase to throw around.
"Always stay humble and kind."
Repeat Chorus
"Hold the door, say please, say thank you
Don't steal, don't cheat, and don't lie
I know you got mountains to climb but
Always stay humble and kind
When those dreams you're dreamin' come to you
When the work you put in is realized
Let yourself feel the pride but
Always stay humble and kind."
“When it's hot, eat a root beer popsicle. Shut off the AC and roll the windows down. Let that summer sun shine."
Let the small moments in life continue to give you joy. It could be just a simple popsicle and letting the summer sun kiss your skin. It’s okay to take a moment in this crazy life we have and enjoy the simple moments… we get far too few.
"Always stay humble and kind."
“Don't take for granted the love this life gives you. When you get where you're goin. Don't forget turn back around and help the next one in line.”
Never take this life or the love given to you for granted because you’ve been blessed with so much. Remember to always help those in need, for they look to you for advice, assistance or even just a smile to keep them going. You have the power to be a positive light in this world and shine that onto others.
"Always stay humble and kind…"
Hey guys, like Tim McGraw says, always stay humble and kind as you go through this crazy life we live. Be a positive person in this world and remember these lessons in this song, for they are a good reminder of how we should all act. What I have written are MY interpretations of these lyrics, but if you guys see them in a different light let me know. I would love your input!
Until next time,
- Megs