Tragedy spread across the U.S. as Philando Castile died at the hands of a St. Anthony cop on July 6th. Castile, a 32-year old male was shot and killed as his girlfriend recorded the aftermath of event. This event comes a day after the death of Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge, LA. Followed by the shooting in Dallas, TX. All incidences are undergoing investigation. But it asks the question: what is happening in our world?
Philando Castile pictured above.
Castile's death hits home for many I know, as it took place in St. Paul, MN. This is not the kind of attention anyone wants their community to receive, attached with such tragedy. The growing tension amongst people and authorities continues. In a time of political angst, social disputes are at an all-time high. All lives matter and all people must unite and support one another. No life should be lost because of a tail light. People are exhausted by these incidences happening. These events are never acceptable.
This week, my family was blessed with the birth of my niece. In today's world, I'm saddened by the worries of what parents must endure. Kids shouldn't be brought up in a world where such distrust and malice exists amongst people.
Maybe my niece's generation will fix what our pasts and ourselves can't seem to. I can only hope because something must change. There is no shades or hues I see. I look around and all I seem to find recently is blinding hate. What is the solution? At the end of the day, the only color I see is red. I'm broken by the blood shed amongst humans. Despite the advancement of civilization, is this what we've culminated to? Nothing but death. A history of violence set in motion without any sign of recourse. If you want change, then please support life and show compassion and always choose love. We as humans need one another to prove the darkness will never win. We need to respectfully communicate and spread love. The U.S. and its people are in their defining moment; how will we respond?