The universe has been around for 13.7 billion years.
The Earth has existed for about 4.6 billion years.
Homosapians (modern humans) evolved around 200,000 years ago.
If you sum up Earth’s existence into one hour, humans have been around for the last millisecond of time.
That is not a lot of time.
Everything comes to an end. Whether it is a battle, a movie or life: all things, good and bad, will not go on forever. Even Earth will eventually be nothing but a part of the Universe's history.
That being said:
Could humans be the end of Earth's story?
We are such a small part of this world. Yet we destroy such a large part of this world.
Humans are greedy and selfish. It is in our instincts to be this way. The root of our greed is desire. The root of desire is experiencing something good. We cannot desire something, unless we know what the good thing feels like.
The more we use this world, the more we will desire and the more extreme our actions to attain the desires will be.
That scares me.
We need to start living with nature, instead of against it. We have to stop trying to change everything. We are a part of this Earth. We have to start living with the forrest. We have to start living with other animals. We have to start living with each other.
It is so sad that we cannot even live together as a species.
In nature, lions may be the king of the forrest, but they will not go against their own kind. So why do we find it so hard to get along with each other?
All humans- regardless of race, religion, gender, sexuality, wealth, values- are homosapians.
"There really is no such thing as race. We all come from Africa. We are all the same stardust. We are all going to live and die on the same planet, a pale blue dot on the same vastness of space. We have to work together."- Bill Nye
You don't see dogs bully one another for having different fur colors, do you?
I am just writing this because I don't understand how we can live knowing that we are destroying this world, destroying each other and most of all, destroying 4.6 billion years of evolution.
We are just a small part of this world. Each person makes up just 1/7,000,000,000 of the human population.
No one individual can make a difference. No one individual can stop climate change or deforestation. But if we all work together, we can make a difference.
I am scared for the future.
Though, I am optimistic about how the majority of millennials are also scared for the future.
Day by day, this mess is getting worse. The destruction is increasing. CO2 emissions are peaking. Forests are minimizing. Earth is dying. Without the Earth, there is no "us".
Think about how little personal differences matter, when compared to the grand scheme of this world.
What could be more important than finding a way to stop this man-made natural disaster?