Recently I had a conversation with a couple of friends that got to me to thinking about my generation, the millennials. Usually, when being referred to like one, I balk. I don't see myself as one from that generation but as much as I want to deny the fact that I am it doesn't change that I was born in the year 1990.
So what have millennials accomplished? There is so much hype around how we're going to change the world. But what are we doing to make the difference? I'm sorry to say it but we're more like the spoiled children crying in the corner because someone hurt our feelings.
Before my generation grew up people weren't so offended. Things that were said were taken as more of a joke than an actual offense. I mean, did we do this to ourselves? Did bullying get to the point that we just decided that everything anyone said to us was an offense even if it wasn't meant that way?
We feel so entitled, but why? What gives us the right to say that we're better than someone else? We complain about almost everything and we do nothing to make a difference.
I remember growing up as a child and the world wasn't like this. People didn't get offended by everything and bullying was something that happened on the playground at recess and was dealt with by paddling from the principle. YES! When I was in school parent's were given a form to sign to give rights to the principle of the school for paddling misbehaved children. It was a thing I promise!
Since my generation came about I don't really recognize the world we live in. Socializing is done through social media. People can't hang out and not be on their phones. It's like if we don't mention it on Facebook or Instagram that it never happened. We don't live in the moment FOR the moment.
What have we done to ourselves? I envision that things will progress so much that we'll wind up like the people from "Ready Player One". Everything from work to entertainment will be done in a virtual world.
Can the world course correct before we self destruct? Is there hope for humanity that one day we can get along with each other and stop hating one another. We all live together but in essence, it's as if we all live alone. We're more disconnected now than we have ever been.
Millennials aren't the only ones to blame. All generations have contributed a part to the disconnection of humanity. We don't get along and the hate is strong but instead of trying to mend the relationships with other human beings we just breed more hate. It's spread like a virus and no one actually sees it. We're ok with hating each other because we are better off alone.
I don't have the answers to fix it but maybe one small piece of advice I could give is, stop letting everything get under your skin. Not everyone hates you. Learn to be accepting, not everyone should be like you and see your views on everything. People are all different for a reason. If we were all the same, the world would be one boring place to live.