For a substantial amount of time, the idea of God has manifested as a separate being. A being that is claimed as all-loving yet seeks consequences for those who do not follow his path or guideline. Our world is shifting in positive ways to encompass change in thought, word, and deed. We are expanding to find that which was lost in order to know God, ourselves, and the other once again.
Let's get one thing straight, God is not separate from you. Humanity is finding more and more truth in this statement. Perhaps because it is true. One time or another we have all considered God to be in our image. A mighty powerful manly figure, a deity, or something that can be imagined by the human consciousness. I tell you this, he, she, it can simply not be. In order to create such magnificence that you see around you, God is something completely different than ever imagined. It is everything that once was and will ever be. Yet, you may think, does this statement contradict that there is a God, to begin with? To that, I answer no.
It is beyond our human understanding just who God is and why the world is as it stands. Many ask why the world is in toil and heartache. It profoundly may seem so, if you look at it with a human mind-like standpoint. We know that it has been said God loves everything. It does. Negativity is a choice we create in trying to find oneself. To experience who we are through life. We contain so much power that we simply do not realize how impactful we are with our thoughts. Much less through our words and deeds. It is simply not possible for us to make a mistake in God's eyes because we are made in the image of God. God does not create something that is mistaken. Therefore, shall you remember how precious and grand you are? God is not capable of condemnation. This is not because God is incapable of doing so but because he simply knows everything there is to know. Once you understand how and why mistakes are made it is impossible to condemn something that you understand. In fact, there simply are no mistakes, only experiences. After all, God made us in the image of him. This image is anything and everything there is to see, hear, smell, taste, and touch.
You may ask, "Why has God forsaken me?" This is a very wise question to ask because of your limited understanding of what God has given us. He has given us the power of free will. Not in the sense that "I give you free will but you shall not choose the wrong decision" but rather " You are my child, and I care not which toys you play with but rather the outcome. " This outcome is always returning to him. The full realization of yourself through human experience. He knows this for he has made it so, in order for you to experience the likeness of himself through you or rather yourself through him. Getting lost yet? Take all the time you need. After all, you have many lifetimes ahead of you.