Some of the most energetic and world-changing people are college students. College students have a huge ability to serve their communities, and it is always refreshing to see a university that properly equips its students to do so. Near the top of this group is Liberty University. Liberty University is equipping college students to do good for their communities specifically through its Christian/Community Service (CSER) program and its newly founded Send NOW program.
Liberty University was founded in 1971 by Pastor Jerry Falwell, who was the pastor of a local church called Thomas Road Baptist Church. That year, he decided to expand his ministry to Christian youth. He founded Liberty University with a goal to eventually have 50,000 students enrolled. Today, Liberty has nearly 14,000 residential students, with over 100,000 attending online.
Liberty University has grown extensively over the past few years. Along with being an excellent academic institution, Liberty has made its goal serving the global community. The organizational body for Liberty’s community service department is its Center for Christian/Community Service (CSER). This organization is partnered with hundreds of humanitarian services which provide service opportunities for its students. At Liberty, CSER is a graduation requirement. All students must perform 20 hours of service per semester.
CSER has allowed Liberty students to go above and beyond the call of community service. It is estimated that the combined total of last year’s student CSER hours amounted to over 600,000. Most Liberty students actually end up exceeding the required 20 hours. CSER has provided its students this opportunity through its numerous partnerships. Its partnership organizations range from World Help, a nonprofit humanitarian organization in over 60 countries, to the local humane society. There is no shortage of community service among liberty students.
Perhaps the most radical humanitarian effort afforded by Liberty is its new LU Send NOW program.
To summarize, Send NOW is Liberty’s personal disaster relief force. This effort is based on the belief that “For every believer there is a calling to be ready to put our daily responsibilities on hold in order to respond to the needs of others.” This program was recently announced by David Nasser, the Senior Vice President for Spiritual Development at Liberty. Students will volunteer for the program and be put on a waiting list. When a disaster happens somewhere in the world, the amount of people needed will be sent an email or text telling them to get ready. Students who receive the message must be ready and on a plane within 24 hours. The effort is funded completely by the university.
I believe that Liberty is putting its money to the best use through the Send NOW initiative. It is refreshing to see a profiting organization that does not simply keep all of its resources for itself or its benefactors.
James 1:27 reads:
“Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.”
Through the CSER program and the Send NOW initiative, Liberty is truly honoring the command in this verse to provide for those who cannot defend themselves.