Hate is a word that has begun to describe this generation and the actions of people in the world. Hate has crept into public speeches, social media, hanging presidents/decapitated heads and our hearts. It has blinded how we see one another and tainted the words we use to talk to others. Political parties are turning into cat fights over who is right and frankly ruining any chance of unity in this country.
Politics has become one of the most sensitive topics in conversations nowadays. Meaningful discussions have been hijacked into arguments, name calling, and bashing of beliefs. I try as best as I can to avoid talking about anything political in fear of an argument forming. I am fearful of sharing my political beliefs and even change topics when it is brought about.
There are now "safe spaces" where honest political discussions are dismissed, and the opposers are told to "get over it."
Conversation has been all but destroyed by this. Communication on social media has also become hostile. Social media has been a great way for people to express their opinions, connect with friends and family, or share articles/videos. However, politics has become a very hot issue in the past year and a half that it has taken over social media. It seems that every day there is a new comment from a politician or some newscaster said this. I know people who have unfollowed anyone who shares or talks about politics on their social media because they are sick of seeing it. There is very little meaningful comments on these posts and a lot of naming calling and shaming.
It seems no matter what political party you identify with someone will tell you that you are wrong for what you believe in and you are what is wrong with America.
It is though people have forgotten how to discuss and all that happens in tearing people down for their beliefs or even use stereotypes to describe them, If they are democratic then they are snowflake millennials or Republicans are old country folk who still live in the past. I don't when we only started identifying and acknowledging people for who they voted for or what party to which they belonged, but what I see worries me.
There is constant anger surrounding politics. There is fighting, stereotypes, bullying, etc going on because someone doesn't believe the same things. It is time to say enough is enough and come together as one instead of tearing each other down.
It is time to stop the name calling and bashing ideas and start coming up with ideas of our own.
Instead of using words to hurt one another, we use them to create ideas of our own and help others instead of tearing them down. We should engage in conversation and discussion of these ideas. It is the minds and thought of the constitutes that will better this country. People believe in the melting pot, but why not it be a melting pot of ideas and discussion.
The best place to share and use those ideas are local and state government. This is where change and a true impact can form. There aren't enough people worried and engaged in local government as there should be. This is a way to enrich your community and make a difference for those around you. City council or state house meetings are great ways to hear proposals of bills that could affect the area around you.
Investigating has increased due to the rise of "fake news." People have begun looking deeper into articles and headlines. The news is designed to reel you in and get as many views or shares as possible. Headlines or excerpts have become misleading and not the truth. People should fully investigate the bills proposed or the comments people say. The internet has become dangerous and very good at taking things out of context. Instead of sharing and hating ideas, read and understand the full details. Sometimes bills are often misunderstood due to conflicting opinions.
The only time I see real unity is during times of crisis.
Recently, there have been attacks overseas in the UK and people have come together to help and offer support. There has been nothing but love and kindness with the aftermath of these tragedies. I have seen hope and love after times of trial such as the Boston Marathon and 9/11. There was support and helping hands no matter race/ gender/ or political party. People helped out their neighbors and looked out for one another.
There should not just be love in times of hurt and crisis. There should be love and goodness always. There has been too much negativity and hate in this world. There is fighting and disrespecting each other. This in itself is a crisis. We are hurting one another when we should be together to make this country the best it can be.
Today we spit out so many contradictions that I don't know which ones to follow.
"Be yourself."
"Unless you're like this. Don't be that."
"Say how you feel."
"Unless you want to say this. But don't say that."
It is time to end this generation of hate and instead, move forward in unity as onenation, not two. There are two choices: doing what is right or hating each other.