The world as we know it is changing, the whole world, but most importantly the United States. And how are we changing? Are we progressing? Are we becoming more open minded? Are we moving in the right direction to live longer, more sustainable, happy lives? I would imagine you probably said yes to these questions. Obviously we live in a world where being gay is now widely accepted, segregation is at an all time low for the last century, and women are becoming more empowered with every new day. But why are we still not "perfect"? Why are we as individuals and society as a whole not "happier"? The answer is simple, we are suffering from a disease known as "the human condition."
The human condition is a contagion that is widely spreading and what are its symptoms? Simple, its symptoms include selfishness, narcissism, cruelty, hate, turning a blind eye, and worst of all, avoidance of the truth. So what happens while this disease is spreading? Simple, turn on the news. This week alone we saw two infant deaths at the hands of abusive parents in the county I live in, a child left in a moving vehicle with parents who overdosed on drugs, teenagers being trafficked out of the US into Mexico to be sold into slavery, all because of the lure of social media, and lastly a rash of embarrassing and crude comments from the poor excuses for presidential candidates. I could go on but why bother? We all know that in the last decade, the most "progressive" decade in United States history the world has only become a colder and darker place. Crimes are more gruesome than ever, yet everything is "great." People hate authority, attack cops, disrespect the emblem of American freedom, and bash people of different religions. We are becoming a disgusting and self-centered nation that is only going to fall deeper into the pit of immorality that we are currently already laying in.
But why? Where did it all start...where did we go wrong? Where did this epidemic begin?
We are humans. That is where we went wrong. But we continued to go wrong when we removed God from our courts. We removed God from our schools. And now, we are even removing God from our churches to promote the ever wanted "make-everyone-feel-welcome and good-about-themselves" message that is not what the bible commanded us to. The bible commanded us to "Abhor what is evil, and cling to what is good." But here we all are, suffering from the human condition and turning a blind eye to what is evil, we are accepting it and allowing it and condoning it because we are all to ashamed to speak our minds and stand up for the good things we were commanded to cling to.
So what is the treatment? Put God back in the courts, judge fairly, judge according to the law and what is right, not what socially skewed perceptions we may have. Put God back in schools. Raise up your children to know right from wrong, do not teach them to fear how the world views them, rather teach them to uphold what is right and to stand up for others who are wrongfully being treated. And most importantly, put God back in churches. There is nothing wrong with preaching a loving message if we are preaching what the bible commands. We were sent to uphold what is right, not condone others in their sinfulness. There is nothing wrong with being loving, in fact, we should love everyone! Love the person, hate the sin. When love turns to acceptance we are accepting the evil, not upholding the good. We need to make a change. If we really want to live in a "perfect" world we need to uphold what is right. Protect all children, respect those in authority, do not tolerate wrongful treatment of others, and remember the presidential term is only four years. So here is your warning, guard yourself against the outbreak, avoid the contagion of the human condition, cling to what we already know is good and hold fast in this truth.