There are a few things that happen when you come from a BIG family. Here is what I've experienced with my family.
1. There are always jokes to be said
Especially in my family where we all have what people call "sarcasm." It is a beautiful thing to experience, except when you are on the receiving end. That is when things can start to get hairy.
2. There will always be arguments
When you always have a big group, there are going to be disagreements. It is inevitable. We are all different people, therefore we all have different points of view.
3. Someone always gets hurt
When you have a bunch of people or a group of children under the age of fifteen, then they are silly and someone always gets hurt.
4. There are never enough beds
When there are as many people in your family as there are in ours, then there are blowup beds and pallets everywhere.
5. Who's who?
Everybody's name always gets mixed up because there are so many. It is bad when even the grandparents name all of them before they get to you.
6. Someone always feels left out
There is always that one in every family.
7. There is always a caravan
When going somewhere as a family, we have to take several cars because we can't fit in to one.
8. Restaurants can't hold us
There is usually never a big enough table for all of us. Oh well, looks like I'm at the kids table once again, even though I'm twenty-one.
9. We are always waiting on the same person every time
You know who you are.
10. We take up 2-3 pews
If restaurants can't hold us, then how could one pew hold us?