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11 Celebrity Engagement Rings That Prove You Need To Marry Someone With Deep Pockets

To get the ring that you have been dreaming of, you need a man with a lot of money.

11 Celebrity Engagement Rings That Prove You Need To Marry Someone With Deep Pockets

They say that money is not everything, which is true. But money does not hurt. Every girl has dreamed of what their engagement ring should look like. For some women, that dream can only come true if the man she is getting ready to marry has some deep pockets.

Here are some celebrity engagement rings that make you want to marry someone with money:

1. Jennifer Lopez

The 16k diamond ring that ARod put on JLo's hand is a ring that women everywhere can only dream of. The ring itself is worth $1.8 million.

2. Katherine Schwarzenegger

Katherine's ring is gorgeous!!! It shows that Chris Pratt has some good taste. The cushion diamond cut is between six and ten carats.

3. Lady Gaga 

Of Course, Lady Gaga Has a $400,000 Pink Engagement Ring


Lady Gaga's ring is almost as unique as her. This gorgeous pink diamond engagement ring cost an estimate of $400,000.

4. Meghan Markle - Duchess of Sussex 

What Does a £1.5 Million Engagement Ring Looks Like?


Meghan Markle's engagement ring is subtle but beautiful. The ring has a classic and traditional look. It is the ring of every girl's dreams.

5. Grace Kelly

Wow, that ring! | Grace Kelly and the Royals of Monaco | Pinterest | Grace kelly engagement ring, Grace kelly and Grace kelly style


Yes, we are throwing it back all the way to the 1950s to admire this beautiful ring. Grace Kelly's stunner is an estimated $4.06 million. Grace Kelly had the fairytale ring and wedding that most have dreamed of.

6. Michelle Wie

Golf Star Michelle Wie Engaged To Son Of NBA Hall Of Famer Jerry West


Michelle Wie's oval diamond ring is fitting for her superstar status. The ring fits her hand and style perfectly.

7. Kate Middleton - Duchess of Cambridge

Prince William praises Kate and cheekily mocks Harry at charity launch


Kate's engagement ring has a certain wow factor. The ring features a 12-carat oval Ceylon center stone surrounded 14 solitaire diamonds. The sapphire ring which belonged to Princess Diane.

8. Elizabeth Taylor

The Most Iconic Old Hollywood Engagement Rings


Elizabeth Taylor has always had beautiful engagement rings, but this one is the ring that made me fall in love with emerald cut. It is a 24.9 carat emerald cut diamond ring that sold for $3.7 million at an auction in 2011.

9. Serena Williams

A Count Down Of 34 Stunning Celebrity Engagement Rings


Serena's amazing engagement is over 10 carats. The emerald diamond cut is likely to set you back a couple of hundred thousands dollars.

10. Katy Perry


Katy Perry's engagement ring is too cute. Engagement rings that are unlike anything else are the kind of rings that I dream of. This ring was custom made just for her.

11. Allison Strokke


Allison square or cushion cut ring is gorgeous. It really fits into the trend of engagement rings. The cushion rings are becoming more popular.

All of these engagement rings can be inspired by women. The rings are all so different in many ways. The one thing that all of these rings have in common is the men have deep pockets. A girl wants a man who is going to spare no expense when it comes to picking out an engagement ring for you. To get the ring that you have been dreaming of, you need a man with a lot of money.

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