Alright, I know, Hufflepuffs have gotten a bad rap over the years but something I’ve learned over the years is that you always underestimate the good ones. Sure, I know that Hufflepuffs seem like pushovers or uninteresting or even a little boring; why wouldn’t you want to be with a brave Gryffindor or a clever Ravenclaw or a cunning Slytherin? As a Ravenclaw, I can understand why you may be a little hesitant to agree, but even the sorting hat agrees that Hufflepuffs are the best choice saying that “They are just and loyal / Those patient Hufflepuffs are true / And unafraid of toil.” The sorting hat filtered all the ideal partners into one neat little category for us to choose.
Hufflepuffs are loyal, and isn’t that what we are all searching for? Someone who will stand by us through thick and thin, even when we don’t even want to be there anymore? If you can sit there and look at your partner and wonder if they will stand by you when you need them to, that seems like a really stressful relationship. Now, that doesn’t mean they will always agree with you, but that’s the beauty of it. You don’t want a “yes man” to spend the rest of your life with you, but you do want someone who can see when you truly believe in something and they want to help you in any way they can and stand up for you if you need it.
Hufflepuffs are kind, but certainly not in the pushover sort of way. They are willing to help others in need and are great listeners. Even Hufflepuffs like Cedric Diggory were known as “strong and silent” although there was plenty of things he could have talked about regarding his awesome self. Imagine you come home from a really rough Quidditch practice and you just want to rant about how bollocks the whole team was, a Hufflepuff would be there to listen, smile, and give you a hug and probably some delicious cookies and hot chocolate because they are just the kindest human beings ever.
Hufflepuffs are genuine. You never need to worry if a Hufflepuff is who they say they are, in fact, you should be more worried that they are underselling because they don’t want to brag (see point B). However, that’s kinda great. Not that they don’t think that they are as cool as you know they are. But you never have to guess with them. If they say they are doing fine today, then they totally are. There isn’t really any “reading between the lines” or anything because they are exactly who they are. Even more so, they don’t try to be something they’re not.
I could go on and on and talk about how Hufflepuff try to see the beauty in others, and especially those who don’t see it in themselves. Or how they can forgive you over and over because they know you’re trying and they won’t hold it against you. I could even talk about how although they are constantly underrated and underappreciated by everyone, they don’t care because they are true to themselves, and if nothing else that’s something you love to see for anyone and most certainly with someone you want to spend the rest of your life with.
And how do I know this? Well, I’ve been around the block and I’ve been respected by Slytherins, felt safe with Gryffindors, and been intellectually challenged by my fellow Ravenclaws, but while all of those had qualities were great in their own right, I get shown every day that having a Hufflepuff to spend all my days with is the best thing a member of any house could ask for. It’s Valentine’s day and I would like to take this day to thank my own Hufflepuff for being the absolute best boyfriend. You are all of those traits and more.
Because of your loyalty you’ve assured me that regardless of what path I choose, you are there for me. Because you are kind I can snuggle up in your arms on a bad day and know that regardless of anything else you’ll always be there to help me get it together. Because you are genuine I don’t need to guess what you’re thinking, I just know. Throughout the past years, you have helped me to see the world through kinder and more understanding eyes. You’ve helped me to see the beauty in myself that I never knew was there. And, contrary to popular belief, as a Hufflepuff you are absolutely brilliant, you just don’t say it as much as some other people. You are constantly looked over for being too nice or too meak, but we both know that’s not true. You are a Hufflepuff and all of the sweet badassery and cookies that go along with it, and I will proudly shout into the night that I am in love with a Hufflepuff and couldn’t be happier!
Happy Valentine’s Day!