I Am A Hufflepuff And Proud | The Odyssey Online
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I Am A Hufflepuff And Proud

I am a Hufflepuff, a proud honey badger, and I find things.

I Am A Hufflepuff And Proud
Christa Dutton

For some reason, Hufflepuff is the Hogwarts house everyone either dislikes or enjoys making fun of. I believe part of this is due to the obsession with the films, and the fact that Robert Pattinson played Cedric Diggory.

Don't worry, though, I've heard it all; that Hufflepuff is a house for everyone that doesn't fit in the other three houses, that we're lazy, or that Hufflepuff is the stoner house. I've even heard that Hufflepuff is the pacifist house, but let me tell you a few things about Hufflepuffs.

Our emblem is the badger, calm until provoked, and then absolutely terrifying to handle. Even people who aren't Potter fans know "Honey badger don't care."

We are hard workers, dedicated, patient, kind, tolerant, honest, loyal to a fault, and we believe in what is fair. This is probably why we house greats such as Newt Scamander, Nymphadora Tonks, and Pomona Sprout.

Yes, we do accept those witches and wizards rejected by the other houses, but this isn't to say we don't have our specific traits. This was actually a point made by our founder, Helga Hufflepuff so that muggle-born magical folk would have a house at Hogwarts too. Also, we are house of cunning, intelligence, and courage, but where all of our peers believe that compassion and loyalty are more important. We are NOT another house's leftovers.

We have created the least dark wizards of any house! Slytherin has the most, including the Malfoys, the LeStranges, and Voldemort himself, but Gryffindor also had dark wizards (Peter Pettigrew), as did Ravenclaw (Professor Quirrell). In fact, Hufflepuff is the only house in the books that does not have a specific dark wizard or witch affiliated with it.

The best part about Hufflepuff, though, is that we FIND things. We are amazing finders.

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