If you went to sleep-away camp, you know there is nothing that can compare- that is until you go to college. You'll find that soon after you enter college, many of the things you experience will remind you of camp. Here are few things that make college feel like camp:
Living Arrangements
Just like at camp, you're living in close quarters with your roommate and the people around you. You're living in a twin XL (or smaller) bed again or maybe even a bunk bed. Most likely, you have communal bathrooms including showers that collect hair in the drink and sinks rimmed with toothpaste. You have very limited closet space reminiscent of the three cubbies you are allotted at camp. Perks of this type of living? Sharing clothes with the girls on your floor (or in your cabin).
The dining hall food in college doesn't vary much from camp food. And in both places, you take as much as your plate can hold (plus seconds) despite the food not being too great. Being on a budget means eating as much as you can when you can. In camp, people would race to be first in line for dinner, which reminds me of dinner at my sorority house.
Social Activities
Ah, awkward camp socials. Now a little less awkward, sorority/fraternity socials remind me of these nights at camp. Socials are definitely different in college but they share the same aspect of forced female/male interaction. You spend over an hour getting ready just to sweat all of your makeup off when you get inside. You dance to today's hits and hope you'll find a somewhat good-looking guy to talk to (during camp, one who hopefully doesn't have braces).
One of the biggest similarities between camp and college is the strong relationships you form. You're able to become close to people so quickly and share experiences that form friendships. You make friends that listen to your problems and always have your back and don't judge because they see you at your best and your worst. You're with them 24/7, just like your friends at camp, and you spend every day making funny memories together.