Who Is The Howard Beach Killer? | The Odyssey Online
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Who Is The Howard Beach Killer?

Karina Vetrano's killer is still at large and that can't be good for residents of Queens.

Who Is The Howard Beach Killer?
New York Daily News

Like a story straight out of one of "Investigation Discovery’s" crime shows, this past week Queens, New York was hit by a massive tragedy. On Tuesday August 2nd, 30-year-old Karina Vetrano went for her usual afternoon run in Spring Creek Park, Howard Beach but sadly, did not make it back alive. An amoral assailant sexually assaulted and ended Ms. Vetrano’s life by strangulation that evening before she could make it back home to her parents.

The uncanny part of this story is that this was the one day her father did not accompany her on the run they usually take together due to his ailing back. And when he had a feeling something unjust happened to his daughter, he alerted a neighbor of his who works for the NYPD. From there 911 was called and around 11 p.m. Mr. Vetrano, along with detectives, found Karina’s body amidst the towering weeds face-down 15 feet off the park’s trail at 161st Ave. and 78th St.

They were able to zero in on her cellphone which was close to her body. Vetrano’s other belongings were strayed all over the marshy park, though. On the day of her wake, her earphones and New Balance sneakers were found. This is a hopeful lead to identify just who the killer is once it enters the lab for fingerprint and DNA testing. There also might be clues from her body, like bruises and scrapes or from where the aggressor forced their hands so much so into Karina’s neck that remnants of their hands’ outline can still be seen on her skin. And if all that fails to capture the deviant, a used condom was located at the entrance of the same park. Her body was covered in black and blues from the attack in which she fought back. It is said that even her teeth broke during her struggle for life.

The marshlands in Howard Beach are not far from Jamaica Bay, which is as "naturesque" as Queens gets. But what it is also not far from is residential homes which line the streets and avenues of the neighborhood. Even more stunning is that the bustling Belt Parkway sits not more than a few blocks away. Karina lived less than one mile away from where her breathless body was discovered. With all this, her fight to be free from the grip of death was unheard. Some nearby say this is because of the blaring sounds from the planes of J.F.K. Airport.

The killer is still at large which is hair-raising. Right now, police have reason to believe this was a traveler rather than a local. But that is still debatable. The NYPD is interviewing sex offenders and homeless people of the area. They are even cross-checking recent rapes in the nearby 75th precinct of Brooklyn. Keeping in mind that this was her usual routine means that she was quite possibly being watched, even stalked. And whether her killer was in a vehicle or operated on foot, they knew that day would be the perfect time to strike because she was unaccompanied by her father. It could have been a fellow jogger jogging alongside her. It could have been a resident waiting in the tall weeds of the park. All this points to someone local. But at the same time, if it was a vagabond murderer that carried out this gruesome act, they too could have acted along the same lines. There is a reward of up to $10,000 being offered for information that can lead to the arrest of the rapist and murderer.

Here is what this means for Queens. There is a homicidal, rapist out there who either belongs to the neighborhood or is passing by attacking at random. I do not know which is more terror-stricken. What this should do is remind us of just how eerie things can be in our own backyard. We need to be vigilant in protecting ourselves and one another. That starts with pinpointing the person (if they can be called one at all) who executed such a devious act.

As a cry to all women, pay attention to these stories and prepare yourself for this world we live in. Sometimes your life can be revoked without your choice in the most chilling of ways. You can not afford to dismiss your surroundings. Be aware, be alert. Karina was a recent graduate of St. John's University in Queens. It hurts to know that Karina Vetrano was bright, robust, and in great shape yet still was not able to get out of her attacker’s grip with all the fight she put up. Oftentimes, you do not hear of a struggle this deep between the victim and assailant. She was the hero in this story for being able to combat some of the force and trauma being cast at her. It is highly unfortunate, though, that in the end this killer was able to complete their mission.

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