You know someone is your best friend if people mistake you for being in a relationship with them. My best friend and I get that often. People think we’re dating but I promise you we’re not...because we both always cry about being single. A best friendship is a precious thing now, so when you find that, you need to learn to keep them close. If someone has mistaken you and your bestie for dating, you know you’ve hit the jackpot with a one in a million friend.
You fight/argue like a married couple.
You literally resemble that old grandma and grandpa sitting on the train arguing about which newspaper they want to read first. You fight and bicker about things like whether you should wear the jacket to the bar, or whether or not you’re even listening to the conversation. These little fights can occur at any time of the day.

You can get over any argument or fight in a matter of minutes.
What were we just fighting about? People think we're bipolar because we will go from trying to choke each other out to dancing in the middle of the street.
My best friend hates when I pop my gum, but I do it anyway because it gets her mad. Don’t worry though, she gets me back by chewing extra loud that I have to walk away or throw myself out of the car.

GO BEST FRIEND THATS MY BEST FRIEND. I think this is the best part about having a best friend, because you can look like a turd dropping from the anus of an enlarged pig by the end of the night, but she’ll still tell you that you look like Beyoncé performing at Madison Square Garden.
I love not being shy around my best friend, because I can eat a whole pie of pizza in front of her and she won't judge me, since she had a whole pie to herself too.
Their family treats you like family. My best friend comes to my house, sits on my couch, and gossips with my mom about the things going on in her life. My best friend is like another daughter to my parents.
Whenever one goes out without the other, the automatic question is: “where’s your other half?” With us responding “I DON’T KNOW, do I look like I have GPS tracker on her...but she’s actually home doing her math homework.”
You love them, you hate them, but at the end of the day, you wouldn’t replace them for the world. My best friend is my partner in crime. I dedicate this to her and all the soulmate best friendships out there, you know how great it is.