Remember that the purpose of meditating is to separate yourself mentally from the noisy confusion of your life to find quiet clarity. However, it is not meant to give you a temporary escape route of denial from life, but rather it is meant to create a calm environment where you can explore your mind honestly while finding the origin of the thoughts and feelings that you have. It is normal to feel frustrated and awkward when you first try it but as time passes you'll be more comfortable with this practice.
But how should you meditate?
Meditating = mental workout. It starts with your breathing. By focusing on your breath, you can separate yourself from your thoughts: "with mindful breathing, we can exercise our inner need and change towards the direction of peace and serenity." This will help diminish physical reactions to stress and other upsetting feelings.
Here are steps on meditation for beginners:
1. Sit or lie down in a comfortable spot.
2. Close your eyes.
3. Observe your body--meaning observe how you are breathing, be aware of not only how your body is moving with every breath but also the atmosphere--the sounds, smells, the chair you are sitting on etc.
4. Concentrate on your breathing. Imagine that everything is slowing down, including your breathing.
5. Do not fight with your thoughts. Positive thoughts create positive feelings while fears and doubts may cause negative emotions...BUT just let the thoughts come and go. Do let them develop further.
6. Concentrate more on breathing; try to relax more and more.
7. Visualize places you feel peace at.
8. Feel the relaxation and harmony.
9. Return back and stretch when you feel it is enough.
10. Whether or not you felt this practice was successful or not, try again tomorrow.