Education, appearance, finances, social life, mental health, physical health, employment, sleep, time.
Most of my days consists of a 7 a.m. alarm, and 12 a.m. is when I hit the pillow. An average of 4 hours of classes each day, each hour of class demanding 1 to 2 hours of work on my own time. As well as trying to buy and prepare food that is good for my health, take mental breaks for my sanity, and stay in contact with the people that hold importance in my life. There are so many things that cause us stress or cause our overworking brains to overthink. With 24 hours in a day, I should not expect myself to always be 100% at all times. And yet, most of us think that we must be complete failures if our effort and success levels fall below the 100% mark.
The thing is;
I am not, represented by my psychology exam score.
I am not, defined by the judging looks of strangers.
I am not, equal worth to what my bank statement might say.
I am not, supposed to look like a supermodel 24/7, or ever for that matter.
I am not, limited to the boundaries others may set around me.
I am not, broken because I swallow two pills supporting my mental health each morning.
I am not, my weight.
I am not, closed-minded.
I am not, defined by the amount of friends I have.
I am not, everyone else.
Neither are you.
I am, Imaginative.
I am, the strong and beautiful reflection in the mirror.
I am, worth loving.
I am, fashionable in the most comfortable way possible.
I am, capable of many things others may say I am not.
I am, surrounded by the people who I would travel to the moon and back for.
I am, my thoughts, and I am, getting better at overcoming the negative ones.
I am, part of a family.
I am, the best daydreamer you ever did meet.
I am, me.
What are you?