Dating can be fun, but it's WAY more fun when it's with someone you can't get enough of! Here's how to tell that you're really dating your best friend:
1. You don't considerate time together as always being a "date".
It's usually just you two hanging out in pajamas anyway.
2. You have the same sense of humor.
You can make each other laugh with just a look, a reference to an inside joke, or a dumb pun - because you both think it's hilarious.
3. Fighting isn't a big deal because you usually make up in 20 minutes.
You start to miss them after 10 minutes and spend the next 10 minutes apologizing and making them laugh again.
4. You never get sick of them.
You could see them every day and it would be a new adventure!
5. People call you 'relationship goals' because you're literally always laughing and acting goofy.
Between bickering, making fun of each other, laughing until you're in stitches, or just being silly, people tend to think you guys are great together because you're so close.
6. You encourage them to succeed and love watching them chase their dreams.
Go best friend, that's my best friend.
7. You know exactly how to make them feel better.
Hugs, giving them space, making them food, cracking a joke - you know what works best and they look to you for comfort over anyone else.
8. Nothing can come between you.
Even if the worst happened and you ended up breaking up, you know you'd still be their best friend. It's a bond that nothing can break.