How Do You Find What You're Looking For? | The Odyssey Online
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How Do You Find What You're Looking For?

Start by becoming a better you.

How Do You Find What You're Looking For?
Emily Roberts

As millennials in today’s culture, we struggle with a variety of topics from social media to communication and many other things that past generations have not struggled with as much. Something that has continued and grown stronger in our culture is the idea and concept of double standards. We continue to say that we want the perfect person with all the qualities that we picture in our “perfect” future someone.

Two weeks ago as I went to my young adult church group called The Commons, I walked in excited to worship and spend time with friends. As I sat down, I heard that the topic that night was on relationships. I felt like my face flushed red and by whole body immediately went numb. I texted a friend who was sitting in the back and asked her to move up front because I was afraid of what was to come in this talk. I got so worried that the topic would make memories rush back into my mind that I did not want to remember. I didn't know at this time that God had placed me so perfectly in this room to hear the things I needed to hear. The speaker, Beckie Farrant, began her talk by recounting her life story. After that, she went on to talk about what she realized was damaged in her aspect of dating and faith. I personally was not attaching completely to the story she was telling, but continued to listen. The following that she spoke have forever been stamped on my mind: “Become the person that the person you’re looking for is looking for."

Wow! Stop reading for a second and just let that sink in.

What an amazing concept to process and dig deeper into. We can sometimes expect so much out of a person, but do we really posses or strive for that quality ourselves? I fall short at this all the time in my every day life. Life is hard! Oh man, it's hard! We all look to or look for phenomenal people that love us, care for us, trust us, believe in us and so on, but can we even reciprocate those things?

What would it take for you to become the person that you're looking for is looking for? Can you swallow the fact you have flaws too? What can you change in your everyday life to start it out small?

My challenge to you would to be to pause when you ask these questions and pray for how you can become the person you are looking for is looking for! I wish I would have seen or heard this earlier so please share this so people too can see this!

“Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.” 1 Corinthians‬ ‭13:4-7‬ ‭ESV‬‬

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