My whole life, I was made to believe that there was one certain person out there for you. Your one and only soulmate, the person you are supposed to be with. I romanced this idea in my head as a little girl and it followed me all the way to college. I think this idea stressed me out because I felt like it added more pressure. What if my person gets hit by a car? What if I decide to go to college in a different place than I was supposed to and maybe my soulmate was supposed to be there? All of this would drive me crazy to no end.
One day, I was getting coffee with a friend I hadn't seen in awhile. I was catching her up on my love life and she was telling me about hers. We started starting about this idea of soulmates and I asked her what her opinion on it was. What she said opened my mind to another idea of soulmates. She told me that she thinks that there are a couple of different people out there meant for you, it's up to you to take whatever path to one of them. So if you were to take a job in New Orleans or Los Angeles, there are different paths that you will ultimately choose.
Now I know a lot of people are skeptical about this belief. A lot of people don't believe in soulmates and think that people just fall in love and work hard to make it work. I just think God puts more thought into it than that, but that's just me. Call me crazy, but I think some things are meant to be. I believe people are created for each other and that's why love is so magical.
I also believe that there are soulmates in your life that you are not supposed to end up with. I think they are meant to be your friend or at least be a part of your life for a little while. I've had girl soulmates and boy soulmates, all whom I've connected with on a personal level. Sometimes you just meet people and know you were meant to meet. It's always amazing to me when I meet someone with so many common interests and similar personality. Those are the best kind of people in my opinion.
If something isn't meant to be, please trust in it. I think sometimes you find someone and feel it in your soul that they are the one and that's just not always the case. I think you feel that way because they are one of your soulmates in your life. You were meant to meet and help each other in that chapter in your life. Sometimes, you just have to say goodbye and wish them well. I've had people in my life that I've lost touch with but I'm quietly rooting for them in the distance. I look forward to finding new soul mates in my life. I think those are the people that make you glad that you're alive.