So often in society, Christians are placed on the highest pedestal. If a Christian does something wrong, others are the first to judge or think, “They call themselves a ‘Christian’?” While yes, we do try to walk in the image of an all powerful and perfect God and we do try to follow the Bible to the best of our ability, Christians, like all humans, are not perfect. Christians will always be sinners. It is inevitable. But, by believing in our Savior, He makes it forgivable to be a sinner when we ask for forgiveness for our wrong doings. So why is it that when a Christian does a not-so-perfect action, someone is so quick to judge them? Also, more importantly, why is it that Christians are guilty of doing this to each other?
Many times, though I hate to say it, some are turned away from Christianity because they feel that people will judge them or that people have judged them in the church. Let me just tell you this: if you have a problem with the smoker outside of the church, then you will have a problem with the people inside the church as well. Who are we to judge others based on their actions? Do not judge others solely because they sin differently than you do. We all are guilty of our own sins. One is not greater than the other in God’s eyes. Humans may see sins stacked up like cubes, some with one, some with four, or some with 10. But from God’s perspective, he only sees the tops of the cubes, which all appear equal. Before you can judge another, think about all the things that God has forgiven you for.
The Church isn’t a museum for saints, it is a hospital for sinners
Take a look at Saul. He was a terrible man who persecuted Christians, but God had a plan for him. Once he came to the Lord, he was baptized and renamed Paul, a loyal disciple. Did Saul deserve this? No. But God’s grace forgave him and he became an extraordinary man. Not everyone’s past defines their future, and we are definitely not the ones to judge someone’s past. If someone’s past led them to the Lord, then the last thing that others should do is to judge them. The only person that can judge us is God (clichéd but true).
Christians are called to love each other and treat others even better than themselves. If someone is nit-picking others based on their skewed view of a Christian, remind them that everyone makes mistakes, but what is so beautiful about Christianity is that we have a God that forgives us and loves us unconditionally, sin and all. We don’t have to be perfect for Him. He knows that we are not perfect; that’s why he sent Jesus to the cross. He died for our sins. God is working in all of us. Other’s may judge, but never let that take away from your own perfect relationship with God.
"I'd rather stand with God and be judged by the world, than stand with the world and be judged by God." -- Grace Wesley